Packing Tips and Tricks
Today I’m sharing some packing tips and tricks to stay organized while traveling and maximize the space in your suitcase.
Let’s start with toiletries. I use two different travel toiletry bags my in-laws gave me a few years ago. One bag is for my morning and evening products– contact solution, contact case, eyeglasses, face wash, moisturizer, eye makeup remove towelettes, floss, etc. The other bag is for my hair, shower, and miscellaneous items– wrinkle release, lint roller, antacids, static remover spray, shampoo, conditioner, razor, hair gel, hairspray, etc. Similar travel toiletry bags can be found here.
Tip: I use empty prescription bottles for my shampoo and conditioner. Why waste money on the little travel size bottles? If needed, label the bottles with a permanent marker.
I also have a jewelry organizer (similar organizers found here). Because let’s face it, it’s always hard to decide which accessories to bring on a trip. A girl needs options.
Tip: Keep your necklaces with thin chains from tangling with a drinking straw. You can kind of see how I did this with my anchor necklace near the bottom of the photo.
I keep my longer, more intricate necklaces protected and organized in a rolled up placemat, tied with a piece of ribbon.
Read more about my DIY roll up necklace organizer here.
I love this little undergarment pouch I picked up at Gap Outlet last summer. It has two zippered compartments– one for clean clothes and one for dirty clothes. If you’re good with a sewing machine you could make one for yourself. I’ve seen these on Etsy in case you want to buy one. A similar wear and wash bag can be found here, here, and here.
My curly hair is high maintenance, thus the hair brush, hair gel, two kinds of hair spray, and hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. Whew. Did I mention I’m not a light packer?
I like to keep my hair dryer in a tote bag while traveling to keep any hair styling product residue off my clothes.
In order to keep dirt off my clothes, I put my shoes in grocery bags. Not fancy but still effective. To save space, I put my shoes together how most shoes come in the box you buy them in– putting opposite ends of the shoes together.
I’m a big fan of the rolling technique when it comes to clothes. It saves space and helps minimize wrinkles.
Packing a suitcase is like Tetris to me. I typically start my putting my largest item in first, which is always my biggest toiletry bag. Then I put in my clothes, followed by my shoes, hair dryer, other toiletry bag, roll up jewelry organizer, and undergarment pouch. I store any additional accessories, like my clutch, pashmina, and scarf in the zippered top portion of the suitcase.
Since it’s kind of hard to tell from the photos, I thought I’d take everything out to show you how much I fit inside my 26″ x 17″ x 8″ suitcase. I ended up with enough clothes for at least 5 days: 3 dresses, 2 tops, 3 bottoms, 1 blazer, 1 sweater, 1 pair of pajamas, undergarments, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 clutch, 2 pashminas/scarves, and all of my toiletries and jewelry.
Some of you may ask where my makeup bag is. I completely forgot to throw it in the suitcase for these photos because I tend to put my makeup bag in my carry-on, but it could have fit in my suitcase.
I hope you found some of these tips and tricks to be helpful when packing your suitcase. Happy travels!
Be sure to check out my other popular organization and cleaning posts below! There’s tons of great stuff to pin to read later!
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Loved all your tips, especially using a drinking straw to keep necklace chains from tangling. I hate when that happens, and it always happens when I travel!!
And that flask… 🙂
I LOVE obsessively packing for trips, so thanks for this! I also love traveling with a flask. To the grocery store.
Me too, Shannon. Me too.
Hi Chelsea! I’m a new reader (over from Iheartorganizing) and first time commenter. Well, actually I had a question. I love the combination of fonts you used in your “Packing tips and tricks” photo and was wondering what they were. If you can help that would be great! Thank you. P.S. Love, love, love your office makeover!
Hi Laura,
You commented awhile ago, but in case you never figured it out, the “tips and tricks” font is “Lavanderia”.
Saw your post – LOVED the tips!
I love that you got a notice from the TSA!!! HAHA. Those are acceptible travel items in my book too. 😉
Hahaha! At least they didn’t steal your flask! 😉
Chelsea, THANK YOU for caring enough to share your tips. Much appreciated. Love them all. My husband was the one who taught me to roll my clothes. I too use the grocery bags for my shoes. Love the undergarment pouch – I usually just bring along a grocery bag for that.
Hi Chelsea,
These are really great tips which will help travelers on how to properly arrange and pack their things when travelling.
I’ll check out your tips, thanks!!
We just got back from a big trip and I actually loved packing. I used packing cubes for the first time and they were an organizational dream!
I cant see to find the packing tips! help
They do spot checks routinely, even when nothing of possible interest is in a suitcase. I could paper my walls with those slips LOL
I want to know where you got that black zippered jewelry case! I want one! 🙂
That’s okay. I was detained by the German equivalent of the NSA for close to an hour while they took everything I owned out of my computer bag looking for a “bomb-making tool.” That would be a cuticle pusher I had thrown in the bottom of my makeup bag that I decided to carry on. They had to call over a lady agent to confirm that’s what it really was!
The German TSA counterpart does not play! I was flying out of Tegel in Berlin this spring when they pulled me any my carryons aside to do a more in-depth check. They actually turned one of my bags upside down into a bin to examine all the contents! A bit embarrassing, as it was mostly full of German candies I was bringing home. 😀 At least we all had a laugh over it.
Make that TSA! Must have NSA on the brain after all the news lately.
I have a tip that comes in handy when traveling!! I use those pill holder containers that are marked M-T-W-TH-F-SAT.-SUN. The large ones for bigger size jewelry & smaller ones for smaller jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. This way, nothing gets tangled or mismatched & it doesn’t matter what day marked you put them in or if you want to be more organized & do it that way, tis user’s choice!!
Very clever trick with the straws. I’m thinking of using that at home too…I have to keep my necklaces in a rectangular tupperware container (hidden) because my 5 year old will play with my jewelry and break the chains. When the container gets moved around the chains tangle. I am going to put all the delicate ones through straws. Awesome tip.
Also loved your recycle tip for empty prescription bottles. In the past, I used them for dry formula when my daughter was bottle feeding. They are the perfect size for a single serving and are so portable. But it’s been awhile since we were bottle feeding and I never know what to do with them now. Perfect for shampoo and conditioner. Another very clever idea.
I keep a travel bag ready to go and it has duplicates of a lot of my overnight needs. I can afford to duplicate most of my daily products but there are a few that I can’t, like Kiehls moisturizer. For those, I just keep a ziplock bag in my suitcase and write the product names on the bag in black permanent marker so that I don’t even have to think about what items should be thrown in there. When I’m about to leave I just follow the list on the outside of the ziplock.
Really loved your post. Thanks.
The plastic bags are a great idea!!
I also have curly hair and use a diffuser. I ordered one from Amazon called Hot Sock. It’s stretchy and fits over most hotel hair dryers so I don’t have to bring that. Love your tips!
I love your hair. I also have curly hair and my products have been discontinued! ugh! I notice in your baby announcement photo that you wear your hair similar to me. I can almost see the products that you use in this photo. Was wondering what styling products you have found to be most helpful in taming your beautiful locks?
By the way this question about the hair products was a sincere question and not spam. I figured maybe you were not checking this post since it was older. But I noticed you replied to someone else. If you get a chance, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
Sorry about that. The styling gel in the photo for the post has been discontinued. 🙁 It’s also the gel I used in my hair for the pregnancy announcement photo (I hoarded some away). I’m working on finding a new gel and when I get it right I’m going to do a post about. 🙂
Have you tried catwalk by TIGI the curls collection? They sell it at target and Wal-Mart. It is a little pricey but wotks great!
You should try deva curl if you’re still looking. It’s a whole line devoted to curly hair.
I too would love to know where you got the toiletry bag and jewelry organizer. Thanks!
They don’t sell my specific travel organizers anymore, but I linked to some similar ones in the post. 🙂
Just a note. I always pack my medications and my jewelry in my carryon bag. For security
I am lost, how do you get toiletry bag past TSA, what about the 3 oz one bag rule?
I checked this bag.
When flying all liquid toiletries are place din Ziplocs. I often get where I’m going and something has leaked. Very grateful for those bags when that happens. They can be used over and over again too. Once empty they wait in the toiletry bag for the next flight.
I also put my shoes in plastic bags but I use the space in the shoes for my socks. Use every little nook and cranny right?
Thanks for these tips and tricks – the tips about the straw for the necklaces is a great one! I will definitely use that on my next trip!
Suitcases with wheels form neat spaces in the bottom where underclothes, shoes and toiletries fit comfortably. Put socks in shoes to help keep their form and use the space. All form a flat base where trousers can be put out flat with waists in the suitcase and legs outside. Now roll up all t-shirts, tops, dresses, etc. Pack on top of the trousers. Then fold the legs back into the suitcase.
Always choose shoes for the trip first. Then bottoms, then tops. That way you’ll keep to a neutral colour scheme and save lots of space cutting out unnecessary items
I was curious, why you put shoes on top? I, always, put my shoe on the bottom.
If you look at the photo I didn’t put the shoes on top. I don’t think it really matters where you put shoes in a suitcase as long as everything fits. It’s all personal preference I guess.
These are great tips – thanks! I also use thin plastic bags (reused from the dry cleaners) on my hanging clothes – it helps them keep from wrinkling in the luggage.
A complimentary hotel shower cap fits a pair of shoes PERfectly, too. I haven’t used one on my HAIR in ages.
Your site looks very interesting! Great tips here – can’t wait to review them all! Thanks!
sign me up on your e mail list.
Hi everyone! A great trick I learned from my aunt is to stand the suitcase on its wheels and stack the clothes that way. I got a week of clothes in a large case for my 2 year old and me including shoes toiletries and miscellaneous stuff ie bedtime comforts. I’m not as good as my aunt she has mastered her family of 5 in the same size case! Oh the key and secret is to stack it, keep your stacks organized, and your golden. Enjoy your packing!
Putting fine chains inside straws is a great tip. When packing shoes I roll socks and stuff then inside the toes of the shoes. This saves room and helps keep shoes from being crushed.
so glad I found this blog…my dream suitcase! I love clothes and my friends always make fun of me because I always overpack ( I counted 8 pairs of shoes for one trip and hauled my entire nail polish collection to disneyworld)..not this time gonna try to survive with 2-3 pairs of shoes lol!!!
You gave me so cool packing advices in this article! I am going to visit my best friend who moved to Australia and I don’t know what to take with me and what to leave at home. So, you really helped!
Oh, I can’t open the link for the necklace organizer? 🙁 I hate when they tangle when I travel! That aside – great article, Chelsea! Everything looks so organized, I’ll use the tips on my travel next week!
Thanks! Sorry about the link not working. I fixed it. 🙂 Here’s the post:
I LOVE the idea of rolling up your necklaces in a place mat to keep them protected! Genius!
Fantastic hacks! If you want to take with you a bottle of wine for present, for example. You should put it between 2 shoes. One end of the bottle in one shoe , the other in the second. I hope my advice is useful. Greets!
I use two different travel toiletry bags, too. I have rule of two pairs of shoes. One on my feet and one of the bag – that`s it! Thank you for sharing your article! Best regards!
Always use the space inside shoes too. Smalls or as I recently discovered phone chargers fit in them well.
Lots of good ideas here. I especially love my jewelry organizers. I also use shoe bags. I still tend to over pack though. I need to work on that!
Thanks for these greats tips. I really needed help with my packing. Now if I can get my husband to do as well I will be a lot happier traveler.
All of these tips are great, but I’m especially like the little wash/wear undergarment bag! This would would perfect for each person in our household to have while traveling! Thanks for sharing at MotivateMeMonday! 🙂
Thanks for the super helpful tips! I have tried rolling my clothes before and really like it. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday.
Great tips! your wash/wear bag is super cute. i travel for work and live for this tip too: when you roll your clothes up, roll your ENTIRE outfit in one roll. Underwear, (often i need certain ones for certain outfits) under tank, shirt, and pant/skirt all in one bundle. Not only is it super easy to unpack (I often hang the whole outift including underwear all onto one hanger) i but also if you’re i a hurry headed for the shower you can grab a rolled bundle from your bag or drawer and its everything you need! Especially helpful if you’re sharing a bathroom to not forget any peices.
one more tip: sometimes I use a tackle box for all my makeup, hair accessories, and jewelry. It can be all in one place, in a non smashable container, and the tackle boxes are thin so they don’t take up too much space.
Awesome blog. I am searching on google for packing info and tips but i found your blog. I get the really very helpful packing tips. It’s a very easy packing to use your tricks. Really i am happy with your info. Great blog!
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