Diaper Changing Table Organization
How to organize your diaper changing table so you can easily find and access everything you need for baby!

With Owen, we used his dresser as his diaper changing table. We’re using the same dresser/changing table set up in Emmett’s nursery (still under construction), but we added a changing table into the mix with baby #2.
In our old house, the living room, where we spent most of our time, was in the middle of our house with our master bedroom to the right and Owen’s nursery to the left. So when Owen was a newborn, we only had to walk all of 10-12 steps to his nursery to change his diaper 10+ times a day or change his spit-up-on clothes.
Now that we live in a two-story house, we wanted to set up diaper changing table on our main floor so we wouldn’t have to go up and down the stairs 10+ times a day while carrying a newborn (and this kid needs his diaper changed more like 14+ times a day). This was especially important for me in the weeks following giving birth when I was encouraged to take it easy.
Since I didn’t want to drop a ton of money, I got this changing table for less than $60 and four baskets at Marshalls. I figured we can sell or donate the changing table once we’re done with it.

How to Organize a Diaper Changing Table
The top left basket holds a couple pairs of sleepers, onesies, socks, muslin blankets, diaper cream, nursing cover, diaper bags, and diaper pail refill bags.

I keep an extra nursing pillow cover, nursing pads, changing pad covers, changing pad liners, and DIY burp cloths in the upper right basket.

The bottom left basket is for extra diapers.

And the bottom right basket is for extra wipes.

Changing Table Diaper Caddy
I love this diaper caddy. It holds a decent amount of diapers and the top spot perfectly holds our baby wipe dispenser. There’s also two smaller compartments for diaper cream, diaper cream applicator (love that thing), pacifier wipes, saline drops, and bulb syringe (we have a Nose Frida, but I prefer bulb syringes for newborns’ tiny nostrils).

The diaper caddy hooks onto the side of the diaper changing table. It slides around a little bit, but it’s never fallen off.

Contoured Changing Pad
The changing table comes with a pad, but I like how a contoured changing pad keeps babies more contained. And this one was only $14. I scored the changing pad cover from Land of Nod (now Crate & Kids) when it was on clearance for $6, so unfortunately, it’s no longer available.

Diaper Pail
My parents gifted us this diaper pail. We really like it so far. No smells can be smelled. But then again, newborn diapers don’t really smell anyway. Plus, when Emmett starts on solids we’ll do what we did with Owen’s #2 diapers– put them in a diaper bag and take it out to the big garbage can in the garage.

We love having this changing table on our main floor. I like how I can still keep an eye on Owen while he’s playing or eating breakfast or lunch if I need to change Emmett. And it’s been nice not having to go up and down the stairs numerous times a day.
diaper changing table … Amazon
diaper caddy … Amazon
contoured changing pad … Amazon
baskets … Marshalls // similar
diaper pail … Amazon
Love, love, love this idea! You are one smart cookie! I started keeping cleaning supplies handy on every floor of my home for the same reason, so why not a changing station for baby? Definitely pinning this tip for the future.
Thanks, Tracy! I do that too! No sense in lugging everything up and down the stairs.
I have that diaper pail and it will definitely start to smell once they are on solids. I do the same now with taking the poo diapers right outside now that my daughter is two.
Yeah, that’s why we just stick with the disposable diaper bags. It takes 10 extra seconds to take them out to the garage trashcan.
When I had my son, we lived in a condo so everything was close by and I didn’t have to walk too far to change him. I only had to worry about doing the stairs to let the dogs out. So this is definitely something to think about if we end up in a two-story place. I love all the storage and how organized and well-stocked you have everything! You’re right, it makes all the difference to have an accessible changing table that isn’t far away from the main living area. I’m excited to see more!
Thanks, Ashley! Yes, that’s exactly how things were with our first– the benefit of a small, one-story house.
Hi, love how organized and clean this looks. I’m also putting a second changing table on the first floor. Where did you get your baskets? They fit perfectly!
Thanks, Hannah
How did you get the wicker smell out of the baskets?
I don’t. It doesn’t bother me.
I love the way you organized your changing table! I was wondering if you can post where you purchased your wicker baskets? They are lovely and fit perfectly.
Thank you!
Thanks! Marshalls.
Where did you get the dividers within the basket? Love the organization of it all!