Chocolate Chip Cookies
Last Wednesday I got the sudden urge to bake cookies so I whipped up some chocolate chip cookies. I posted a photo of them on Instagram and Facebook, and everyone was all “you better post the recipe or we’ll stab you!” Just kidding, no one threatened to stab me.

My friend Rachel, from Maybe Matilda, did crack me up by saying, “Your baked goods are the Victoria’s Secret models of the culinary world. Mine are the Danny DeVito’s”.
I think part of the reason why my cookies come out looking like the Victoria’s Secret models of the culinary world is because of my AirBake cookie sheets. I love them so much I could marry them. The mega size cookie sheet is my favorite because you can fit like 100 cookies on it. Not really, but it seems like 100.
I should also add that I use parchment paper with the AirBake cookie sheets. Why the parchment paper? Because I’m super lazy, and I don’t want to have to hand wash the baking sheets when I’m done.

Another tip in case you want to know: I don’t trust the time on recipes. I undercut the time by 2-3 minutes, check on the cookies when the timer beeps, and I add 1-2 minutes if they don’t look done yet. I’ll keep doing this until they look right. So, basically, I’m a slave to my oven when I bake. I also know my oven runs a little hot, so I bake everything at 340-345°. I don’t know if that makes a huge difference, but it’s what I do.
Last chocolate chip cookie baking tip: I found that these cookies look best, in the end, if you roll them into balls. I’ve tried dropping them on the cookie sheet with my cookie scoop but they don’t look as pretty as they do when they’re in ball-form.
Here’s your printable 3×5 recipe card. Click on the image to download it.
Here’s your printable 3×5 recipe card. Click on the image to download it.

Are your baked goods Victoria’s Secret models or Danny DeVito’s?
Have you tried AirBake cookie sheets?
Any cookie baking tips for the rest of us?
Disclaimer: The AirBake people have no idea who I am. They didn’t give me any dough (money or cookie) to mention them in this post. I just wanted to share my love of them with you.
Like this recipe? Then you should definitely check out my other recipes!
Yum!! I’ll have to try your recipe.
They’re so pretty! Do you use your phone or a regular camera to take your pics?
Thanks! I use my Canon Rebel XT DSLR for all the blog photos. I hope these don’t look like I used a camera phone.
Oh they don’t look like a phone. Just to reassure you! Lol.
Airbake sheets rock!
Those look delish!!
I’m glad it’s starting to cool down more so I can start baking.
Yum! Going to bake these up this week.
Mmmm, those look so good! Did Brad/Brad’s co-workers enjoy them?
I’m a hardcore AirBake + parchment paper = love kinda girl. Those baking sheets changed my life. I also think parchment paper is the most underutilized baking tool out there. Love that stuff.
Thanks for the recipe. I wasn’t kidding. These look perfect! Soft cookies are the BEST!
Hey, me just met you. And this is crazy. But you got cookie, so share it maybe! (Cookie Monster voice) 🙂 If you haven’t seen it yet, you should YouTube sesame street’s “Share It Maybe”.
Oh yum! I would die for some cookies right now! I can’t wait until someone invents teleportation so you can share your yummy desserts with me!
I really don’t have a very bad sweet tooth – but these sure do look delicious!!
Yummy! We don’t make cookies often in my house because they disappear so quickly.
I forgot that they make cookie sheets other than AirBake.
Nate taught me the check the cookies early trick. Makes a huge difference. I can no longer eat my mom’s cardboard cookies.
These look delicious Chelsea!! YUMMM!!! I have got to get some schmancy pants baking sheets!!
xoxo, Mallory @ Classy Clutter
Oh yum yum yum! I’m a hopeless baker but I have been told that biscuits aren’t too hard to make so I am not too intimidated by these. Off to find myself an AirBake sheet!
I really love your recipe template! Would you be willing to share them? Thanks!
Those look SO yummy! 🙂
Yea..someone else who uses parchment! I’m pininng this for later! yum-e
I ask you: is there anything better than a chocolate chip cookie? The response is my house is: NO! They’re the best – and yours are gorgeous! I’ve copied the recipe, and will see about getting an air soft cookie sheet. Thanks for the recipe and all!
they look too good to eat, and they sound great.
MMMmmmm, Victoria’s Secret cookies. I know what cookie sheets to ask for for Christmas! You would laugh (or maybe cry?) if you saw how ugly EVERYTHING I EVER BAKE is. I usually do okay with taste, but nothing I bake is ever cute. We all have our crosses to bear. Life is hard.
yummo! would love to have you share over at our party!
Oh my gosh those look delicious!
My cookies are always flat! Any tips?
Oh Do those Look Delish! Saw you over at TT&J! Nice cookies…yummy!
I am inviting you to come and share this in my Show Your Stuff blog hop:
Ohhh, wow!! These looking amazing! I have all the ingredients & I’m off to bake!!
Laurie @ Gallamore West 🙂
These look lovely AND delicious…my favorite cookie combo.
i made these and theyre amazing! thanks so much for posting the recipe, pics are here
holy cow, I just made these and they are my new go-to recipe for chocolate chips cookies. They could possibly be the best cookies I have ever made (and I am a great baker!). Thanks times a million.
the only thing i would change iiis the amount of salt. is it possiblle that the measurement is off? i jjust made these and followed the recipe to a T and they are a bit salty…. otherwise very good recipe!!
These are easily the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever baked. They’re perfect! Thank you for sharing the recipe, these will make my husband a happy man for many years to come.
just took these out of the oven! amazing!!!
so the fam loves choco chip and they like them soft. well these tasted great when warm because they “were” soft. But, as soon as they cooled they were hard like store packaged cookies. Any suggestion on how to keep them soft. otherwise the taste of them is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You may have baked them too long. So try lowering the baking time a little. In the future try putting a piece of bread in the container with the cookies to help with cookie softness.
Does anyone know about how many cookies this recipe makes?
I got 35 cookies out of this recipe. It would have been 36, but I ate some of the dough 🙂
The mixture to this turned out really dry? Why would that be?
These are delicious! I hate crispy cookies, so these soft ones were prefect for my taste. I brought a batch over to my grandmother’s house for Sunday dinner, and my entire family loved them. Thanks so much for sharing!
I haven’t tried an Air Bake Pan yet, but I have found that using Parchment Paper on my baking sheet makes them turn out sooooo much better 🙂
Everyone I know loves these cookies!!! There great with peanut butter and white chocolate chips too!!
Can I use any other oil? I typically don’t use canola because of its bad press (the weed that it is made from is one of the top ingredients in fertilizer! YUCK!). Wondering if another oil will work as well?
Baked these yesterday and my husband and his friends said they were “the best in the world”! I love soft cookies and these suited me just fine too!
I found your recipe and converted it to be gluten free. They are delicious and I would like to post the recipe on my own blog. I would like your permission to post my converted recipe with credit for the original and a link connected to you. I hope to hear from you! Thanks!
I made these cookies a few weeks ago. Not only did they end up looking just like yours (my baking never looks like the picture!) the taste was out of this world. I’ll be making these again for sure! Thank you!
Those look absolutely perfect!
fab cookies! i made a variation with caramel buttons stuffed in the middle – a-mazing!
I made these today and they turned out great! I experimented with each batch and the best ones were the cooked about 9 minutes on a baking sheet with parchment paper (love that stuff!), allowed to cool a couple of minutes on the baking sheet and then transferred carefully to a wire rack to cool all the way. They looked really under-done – but they firmed up enough to hold their shape, while still remaining soft. Perfect! Thank you for sharing!
Hi, i see ur recipe right now but i have a Question is it ok if i use normal baking tray for cookies baking ( put 4 cookies at once) ??
this recipe made a ton of cookies I was just craving home made choc chip cookies so I picked your recipe and OMG they were awesome ..what I would call the perfect cookie! and everyone at work loved them just as much as I did. they called me betty crocker! thanks a ton
Way to go, Betty Crocker! 🙂 Glad you and your coworkers liked the cookies!
I just made these. They turned out great but the baking time of 8 – 9 minutes isn’t remotely enough on a regular baking sheet (my stove is only a few years old, so I doubt it’s that as everything else is always fine). At that baking time, they were still practically raw.
I ended up having to cook them for 18 or so minutes to get them to even be done?
Yummy! I am getting ready to bake these right now!
These cookies are sooo amazing. My oven is 8 months old, and I baked for 9 minutes… perfection! Yes, they don’t LOOK like they’re done after 9 minutes, but just be patient and let them cool. I have noticed if I bake cookies until they look done, they end up being way too done! Thank you for this recipe, I found it 2 weeks ago and just baked my 8th dozen to share with family!
May be a silly question, but you are using all purpose flour, right?
Just made these cookies for an after school snack for the grandkids. I’m not sure if they will get any they are so delicious I may eat them all before they get home! So fluffy! I put 1/2 semi sweet & 1/2 vanilla chips in! YUMMY!
I made these today for my son to take back to college. They are definitely the “Best” chocolate chip cookie. You will not be sorry. I know I found my new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Now I have to make another batch to keep at home. Thanks so much for posting!!
Great! So glad you and your son liked them!
Hi these look so yummy! Do you use light brown sugar or dark brown? Do you think it would matter which is used?
I use light brown sugar. I don’t think it will matter too much. They might come out a little darker though.
Hi! I found this recipe on Pinterest several weeks ago & checked out your blog. Your cookies are definitely model cookies. I received a kit from BzzAgent with Nestle Toll House Delightfulls filled Morsels & decided to use your recipe with them. They turned out beautiful! They had a sugar cookie taste & were great mixed with the flavor of the chocolate and peanut butter. I shared your recipe on BzzAgent and FB, but included a link to this page. Thanks for a great recipe to add to my collection!
I DO NOT like Chocolate! Never have! HOWEVER, when my youngest son and I made these cookies I couldn’t help but wonder what they tasted like. They were SO pretty!! I HAD to have one. So, I took a deep breathe, and sunk my teeth into that warm, cookie and I WAS HOOKED! If you can make a non-chocolate lover eat a chocolate chip cookie, you’ve worked wonders!! WELL DONE!!
I just made these cookies and they were absolutely delicious!! Best recipe ever! Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I’ve been using it for months and have passed it along several times…seriously THE BEST!
Those look like the perfect cookie! The right size, the perfect consistency, and just the right amount of chocolate chips! Gorgeous photos to boot! Thanks for linking up with delicious dishes recipe party!
These look SO tasty! Definitely saving this recipe – thanks for sharing with us this week on the Monday Funday Party! XO
Just tried making these cookies. The batter was a little strange to me: the chocolate chips wouldn’t fold in! They just kept ‘slipping’ out and gathering at the bottom of the bowl…. I just rolled the batter in my hands to make balls and stuck the chips in manually 😛 Turned out well. I cooked them quite a bit longer, but we have stoneware pans that take a long time to heat up and begin the actual cooking part. They do look advertisement worthy!
My favorite! Happy Thoughts of Home. Pinning. 🙂
They look like the perfect cookie too! Thank you for sharing with Delicious Dishes Recipe Party. Hope to see you again next week!
Yummy! I am getting ready to bake these right now!
Grandkids are on their way over:)
Thanks for sharing at TOHOT!
I felt inclined to leave a comment because I’ve baked these at least 4 times and I’m about to bake them again! I love the index card style for the recipe and the cookies are delicious. Thank you!