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Construction Birthday Cake

Today I’m going to show you how to make a construction birthday cake. If you use a store bought cake, you can have this cake decorated in under 10 minutes. Yes, 10 minutes. And the cake will be a hit with kids and adults at your little one’s birthday party. Trust me.

construction birthday cake

Construction Birthday Cake Supplies

Here’s what you’ll need to make the construction birthday cake:

chocolate cake … You can bake and frost your own cake, or buy a cake. I bought a 10″ chocolate cake from Costco for $12.99

construction vehiclesYou can buy them here.


Buncha Crunch

Milk Duds

Kit Kat minis (optional) … I didn’t end up using these.

construction cake supplies

Crush the Oreos

To make a fine dirt, you’ll need to crush some Oreos. You can use a food processor or put some Oreos in a Ziploc bag and crush them with the bottom of a mug or rolling pin.

For the cake I decorated, I could’ve gotten away with crushing five Oreos. I crushed way more than I ended up using. So if you want a little bit of dirt, crush about five cookies. You can always crush more Oreos and add them.

crushed oreos

Dump Truck

Start assembling the construction site. Place the dump truck on the back of the cake. Elevate the dump body to make it look like the truck is dumping giant boulders. Arrange the Milk Duds in a pile behind the dump truck. Put some Milk Duds in the dump body.

dump truck cake

Front End Loader

Next, add the front end loader to the construction birthday cake. Place some Buncha Crunch candies on a scattered pile in front of the front end loader. Lift the loader in the air and add some candies.

digger cake

construction zone cake


Place the excavator on the cake. Using a spoon, add a pile of crushed Oreos in front of the excavator. Put some crushed cookies in the excavator bucket.

construction cake

Construction Signs

The construction set comes with some signs. I used one sign on the construction birthday cake. I found some cute construction cone candles you can also add to the cake.

diy construction birthday cake

There’s plenty of space to put candles on the completed construction themed cake.

Is your little one more into cars than construction vehicles? Check out how I made a race car Costco birthday cake!

DIY race car cake made with Costco half sheet cake

Want to see exactly how to assemble the construction cake? Watch the video below!

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  1. Absolutely adorable! I love this idea.

  2. Love these “cake hack” ideas! So much less expensive then ordering a custom cake and equally (if not more) adorable!

  3. Very cute idea! But the trucks got stuck! haha

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