Mint Condition – Kitchen Wall Color Update
Thanks for all your nice comments about our former green kitchen. I thought all of you were going to be like, “Are you color blind?! It looks like you threw Gak all over your kitchen walls!” But then I remembered that 99.9% of you are nice people.
I must also tell you that my mom called me on Monday and was all, “What color did you paint your kitchen?” And I was all, “Hello to you, too, mom.” Then I went on to tell her that she’d just have to wait until I post about it. That’s right, friends, I show no favoritism. Even to the woman who birthed me sans epidural. Hardcore blogger here.
You want to see the kitchen, don’t you?
How did I decide on this color? Well, I was minding my own business a couple months ago when the color came to me. Mint. It seemed like the perfect color for our kitchen. I love the color, and I love mints (mmm, Andes mints) so, basically, it was mint to be. Hah! I crack myself up.
I kept the color in my head and picked up some color swatches here and there. But when Sherwin Williams had their recent 40% off sale I took it as a sign. On the last day of the sale I bought two samples, went home, tried out one, knew it was the one, and went back to the store to buy a gallon. I went with the color Mint Condition.
While Brad was at work the following Friday, I surprised him by painting the kitchen. I believe his words were “holy cow” when we came through the door. It was a good “holy cow” though. Then he took me out to dinner. Good husband.
I think the kitchen is going to look amazing when we I paint the cabinets white. Now I just have to motivate myself to get going on that project.
Here’s some side by side before and after photos for your viewing pleasure.
Here’s some side by side before and after photos for your viewing pleasure.

What do you think about the new kitchen color?
Is it what you were expecting?
Are you a hardcore no-mom-I’m-not-spilling-the-beans blogger too?
both kitchens look good to me! I like the bright color of the first one, but I can understand how that might get old after awhile. The new color will work well with lots of different colors if you ever decide to swap out accessories or change color accents. Great job!
Ohh, I think that color is SO gorgeous. Not what I was expecting at all, but I love it!!
And I can’t believe you had that green for years. My eyes!
I love your new kitchen color! The color is gorgeous. You did a great job picking out the mint color. 🙂
It WAS mint to be! It will look so beautiful with the painted cabinets (if i am remembering correctly from the last post?) 🙂
I actually love both greens! The first one is so bold and fun. The new green is very calming. I can’t wait to see it with white cabinets. I’m trying to motivate myself to paint my 70’s dark brown cabinets white. Maybe seeing your kitchen transformation will do the trick!
It looks great!
Such a calm, clean color.
I’m glad you didn’t go with a boring neutral color, that would have been so anticlimactic!
LOVE the new color! I think it will look amazing once you get the cabinets painted white! Can’t wait to see it!
Ooo, I like it. It’s very you!! I think it will looking stunning with white cabinets.
I’m a total hardcore blogger as well. We don’t mess around.
It’ll be AMAZING with white cabinets…heck, it’s great NOW! Well done!
It looked cute before, but now it’s so sophisticated! Love the soft color you chose. Glad you kept the pictures hanging on that wall, they really pop! And I LOVE white cabinets!!!
Lol at your gak comment! And I love mint as a color, but my mister won’t go for it.
Oh, there’s a simple solution to that conundrum. Do as I did, and paint while the mister is at work.
That looks so great! I think the cabinets are going to look fantastic white with that color! Cant wait to see the progress 🙂
Love this color! And the white cabinets will look fantastic in your kitchen! Can’t wait to see it finished!
Love your wall color! We painted our kitchen this May. It was a orange-red, like a spice color for several years. Not sure what we were thinking but we painted it a color called Morning Grey which is more blue/green than grey but so pretty and totally changed our kitchen. It’s funny what a little paint will do…:-)
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
Hubba hubba!!! That color is fantastic!! LOVE the white ceramics on the top of your cabinets, too. I’m actually painting mine white next week, eek! Just bought the paint yesterday 🙂
It looks great, still bright and cheerful but more toned down, so pleasant for cooking
Absolutely love the new color in the kitchen! Can’t wait to see the completely done kitchen!! 🙂
Love love love it!! It is going to look even better with the white cabinets!!
Absolutely love it! We just painted our bathroom a minty color and I love how fresh it looks. It’s really going to look beautiful once the cabinets are painted white. I don’t envy you- that’s a big job!! But I think being the hardcore blogger you are that you can handle it. 🙂
I LOVE it!! It’s such a pretty color and it will look amazing when you guys paint the cabinets!
Way to be strong and no show favoritism! Even to your mom!
I love the mint!!! Such a huge change! I’m a new follower… do you have a love for green that I don’t know about yet or did it just work out that both the before and after colors are a shade of green?
Thanks! I wholeheartedly believe in green kitchens and blue bathrooms.
Wow! It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see how it looks with white cabinets! Any plans to update the fluorescent lighting that I’m sure you love? 😉
I’m seriously laughing my head off that you wouldn’t tell your mom. Hilarious! Although, you should have told her, not because she birthed you, but because she made your curtains.
It looks great! Of course it does, everything you do is great!
Clearly, I’ve never told you “the Oprah story”.
It looks great. I love the surprise painting and agree that your husband did the perfect thing by taking you to dinner. The paint color will look amazing with white cabinets and the wood floors, so light and airy! Great job picking and painting!
Unexpected but so gorgeous. I think you need to go ahead and get started on those cabinet. I can’t wait to see it, it’ll look amazing.
Love, love loving the Mint Condition. Based on your recent living drapes, I was thinking a light aqua or mint. Great choice!!
Love the mint! Great job Chelsea!!
You might have just inspired me…
Is it ok to say that I loved the “before” color? If not, can we blame on the fact I just turned 24 and bought my first home four months ago? LOL.
The new color is very mature and timeless though! 🙂
I love the color name … our last kitchen was painted ‘fennel’ 🙂 Such a beautiful upgrade!
I’m in love with mint. This color is great. It makes a clean, (more*) sophisticated statement (*you were already classy). I can’t wait to see the white cabinets!! Hot diggity – I love me some room before-and-afters.
I had the same honey cabinets and I painted them white too. It was a MAJOR pain, and my kitchen is about half the size of yours so I feel for ya! But SO worth it in the end. And a few months ago, via a Lowe’s commercial for one of those light bulb inspiration moments, I painted the bottom cabinets a different color and I <3 it so much more now. Now the tops are white and the bottoms are a mossey (sp?!) green that matches my backsplash.
Before you even mentioned painting the cabinets white, I thought “Man, this would look so much better if the cabinets were white!” 🙂 So yes – I think it will look fab once you get around to painting those cabinets. Good for you for taking a risk and choosing a color you like, but isn’t conventional!
It’s beautiful! Looks like it almost has a blue tint to it? So soft though. Love it!
it’s beautiful! i love it, so refreshing…LOL. because it’s minty, get it? hah….hah :). No seriously, I love it. And i love telling my mom she has to find out on the blog LOL!
I love it!!! Are you going to use the rustoleum cabinet transformation product on your cabinets? We have been looking into doing our cabinets with it..
We just bought a house with BRIGHT green walls in the kitchen. At first I thought UGH, I’ll paint it beige since I’m a beige sort of person, but I am going to live with it awhile and see if I can embrace the color known as Valspar “emerald isle”. At least we will keep it for our annual St. Patrick’s Day party coming up soon. I need to get away from bland, beige, off white, antique white and parchment. Go Green. Go Irish.
PS. My husband is first generation Irish
I love the cherry and food pictures on your kitchen wall! Where did you find them??
Soo excited to see the cabinets white! I have become obsessed with white cabinets and light, bright colors like that mint you chose.