Search Results for: baby shower

Closet organization tips and tricks!
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Nursery Closet – Organization Tips and Tricks

Last week I shared Owen’s nursery, so today I thought I’d share his nursery closet and how I organized it. It’s currently the most organized closet in our entire house so don’t think every closet in our house looks like this. Our master bedroom closet is in shambles but Owen’s nursery closet is the epitome…

Owen’s Bright and Colorful Nursery
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Owen’s Bright and Colorful Nursery

When I was pregnant one of the most frequent questions I was asked was, “What’s the nursery theme?” I would begin by answering with my general color scheme. But I would almost always get puzzled looks. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t saying “Blue! With whales!” or “Grey and white. With chevron!” So I started saying with a smile,…

How to Make Tissue Paper Pom Poms
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How to Make Tissue Paper Pom Poms

Step-by-step tutorial showing you how to make tissue paper pom poms! Tissue paper pom poms are the perfect, inexpensive party decoration. After I posted our gender reveal party, many of you wanted a tutorial on how I made the tissue paper pom poms. Well, today’s your lucky day– it’s tissue paper pom pom making time, people….

Ficus Audrey Plant Care Guide

Ficus Audrey Care Guide

Ficus Audrey is a lesser-known alternative to other Ficus varieties, such as Fiddle Leaf Figs, Ficus Benjamina, and Ficus Elastica, which are often kept as houseplants. Ficus Audrey is distinguished by its unusual and velvety soft leaves. This guide provides an overview of how to maintain a Ficus Audrey as a houseplant. Origins of Ficus…

Outdoor Planter Tip + Easy Succulent Planters
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Outdoor Planter Tip + Easy Succulent Planters

Today I’m sharing my favorite outdoor planter tip and some easy succulent planters. My Favorite Outdoor Planter Tip What’s this groundbreaking tip, you ask? It’s filling the bottom of medium to large sized planters with things. (Click here to find out where I buy all my outdoor planters.) You can use empty plastic containers, packaging…

Life Lately

Life Lately

Recently, I asked you guys on Facebook and Instagram to send questions you had for me. So before I fly off to NYC early tomorrow morning for BHG Stylemaker, I wanted to answer those for you. Is the house finally done? Mostly. See below. Did they finish the master bathroom? It took 3 months, but…

two pink sarah bernhardt peonies

A Little Q & A

I figured with the beginning of a new year would be a fun time to do a little Q&A session. These questions were asked by people on Instagram and Facebook. What’s your skincare routine? Because I have eyelash extensions, which I love, I try not to get my face wet that much. I obviously have…

Pregnancy Must Haves – Helpful Items for the First Trimester

Pregnancy Must Haves – Helpful Items for the First Trimester

Now that I’m almost 15 weeks pregnant and can say peace out to the first trimester, I thought I’d share some pregnancy must haves, specifically for the first trimester. I had no idea going into pregnancy what to expect, especially because no pregnancy is alike. So while some of these things didn’t make me feel…

Happy Birthday, to me!

That’s right. 28 years ago today this adorable baby was born. I know some bloggers have their blogs ‘hacked’ by family or friends on their birthdays because they don’t want to seem self-obsessed by announcing their own birthday. I think that’s just silly. It’s my birthday, and I’ll shove it in your face if I…