Thrifting Finds & Tips (part one)
I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of thrifting. I love the treasure hunt aspect of it. When you walk into a thrift store you never know what you’re going to find. It’s kind of like playing the lottery, only you’re not winning gobs of money– you’re winning a coveted item, usually for cheap. But I’m pretty sure the high that you get from winning the lotto and finding a treasure can be somewhat comparable.Ok, so some people will tell you to go thrifting on certain days. Many say that Wednesdays are best, and that the weekend is the worst because things are picked over. These bad boys below defunct that rule. I scored these vintage Ball Mason jelly jars at Goodwill on a Saturday… afternoon… on 50% off Saturday. 50% off Saturday is easily the busiest day of the month around these parts.
There were about 20 of these majestic vessels on the shelf. I stood there contemplating grabbing all of them. They were $1.99, but since it was 50% off Saturday they were only $1 each. 13 of the best jars landed in my cart. I was absolutely giddy.I plan on using them to store odds and ends in my home office. I’ve already started storing my Target washi tape and ebay bakers twine in them.
Here’s a tip: go often. I live within 10 miles of 5 different Goodwill stores. If I’m in the area, I’ll stop in and take a look. My job requires a lot of driving, so if I have time, I’ll stop in a store. I came across this blue Mason jar at a Goodwill when I was between therapy visits. It was $1.50. Cha-ching. The little vintage deer were found at a thrift store in Northwest Indiana. My best friend and I went on a thrift store tour one weekend last fall (mentioned in this post). Another tip: don’t be afraid to haggle. There are some stores where you can’t haggle, but the deer were at a family-owned thrift store. I went back and forth with the owner and walked out paying $3 for 4 deer.
Bambi also came with the set. Doesn’t he look like he’s saying, “Whatchu lookin’ at?” Sassy little fellow he is.
I came across these $2 vintage tatting threads while on the thrift store tour. They set on top of my recently made over sewing cabinet.

Do you have a Goodwill Outlet in your city? No? You’re. Missing. Out. We have 3 in Indianapolis. The Outlet is a true treasure hunt destination. All the items are put into huge bins and wheeled out into a huge, open area. People feverishly dig through the bins. Wearing gloves is encouraged because sometimes there are unknown objects (and liquids) in the bins. There’s nothing like wishing you had gloves when you grab something and it’s wet. Gag. And one of the best things about the Outlet? Goods are sold by the pound ($.49 – $.79 per pound).I found these vintage pink canisters at a Goodwill Outlet. They cost a whopping $1. I gave them a good bath when I got home and stuck a candle in each to get rid of the funky smell.
I like through the hardback book sections at thrift stores. Books are such cheap and easy decor pieces. I especially love the Reader’s Digest condensed books. The patterns are so fun, and you’ll find these everywhere.
What is your best/favorite thrift store find?
Do you have a thrifting tip or trick to share?
Who wants to take a field trip to Indianapolis and hit up the Goodwill Outlet with me?Come back tomorrow for part two!
Do you have a thrifting tip or trick to share?
Who wants to take a field trip to Indianapolis and hit up the Goodwill Outlet with me?Come back tomorrow for part two!
Wait… what…. three Goodwill outlets? I live here in Indy and did not know about these! (Apparently I haven’t lived here long enough yet.) Where are they?
I too have several Goodwill stores near my house and visit them all often. In fact, my post today was about a couple of things I’ve found there recently. (I’m working on one for later this week about some great deals I’ve found at consignment shops…. I love looking for clothes at consignment shops!)
I love the stuff you found! I especially like the canisters…. so pretty! My thrifting tip would be to go to the Goodwill stores in the better parts of town. Seriously, the Goodwill near “the rich people” really does have nicer stuff than some of the other stores. And it’s all at a low price!
I still cant believe you have a goodwill outlet. That’s so awesome. Sometimes I find weekends to be the best time (later in the day) because people are donating or brining in things that morning. My favorite find, my bamboo mirror I got on a saturday.
Love those little mason jelly jars! Such a cute size! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any that small before! I’m always a fan of those aqua Bell jars. We have quite a few in our home, but I always have to pay close to $4 a jar! $1.50 is a steal!! Those books are beautiful too…LOVE the patterns on the front! Great finds girl!
i’ve heard about the goodwill outlets in indy, but have never been before. a goodwill “vintage vogue” store opened up in bloomington last fall- it’s basically like the “best of the best” of goodwills. the prices are a little higher and it’s mostly clothes, but i’ve found a few cute decor items there. there’s also a new vintage store in town that opened a few weeks ago. i hope to go this weekend, but i’m betting it’s more expensive than thrifting is!
Seriously, now I really want to go thrifting. LOVE all of your finds!
I haven’t been thrifting in a while. I’m now reminded why I need to go…and soon.
Great finds! I’m SO jealous that you have a Goodwill Outlet! I want one!
When I was little, my grandma LOVED thrift stores and I HATED them. I would avoid them at all costs until recently. Now, I love them! I haven’t found a ton of amazing gems just yet but some of my finds have been awesomely vintage and cheap! Love those lil’ jars you got!
I love me some Goodwill! In fact, I decided to decorate our entire house based off of a turquoise vase that I found at… Goodwill! Love all your thrifty finds.
I would love to know about the best places to thrift in Bloomington… I have been to Goodwill a few times, but have never found good stuff 🙁
I am goodwill obsessed. I am terribly jealous of not just one, but THREE outlets?
I am dying with envy as I write these words. I have nothing like that round here… and the closest I get is dumpster diving…
i love the blue bell jar! i have never seen anything like that!
What awesome finds! You’re quite the thrifting queen!
Those jars are the stuff dreams are made of! I found two blue Mason jars just this week, for 19 cents each, but no lids. Love those vintage lids.
Goodwill is thrill/adventure to me (I love a good find!) as well as my therapy. I can look through stuff there for hours, escaping all the other wheels that normally turn in my head.
We just have one teeny tiny Goodwill in our town. But I love it.
I need to get on the ball as far as posting more of my good thrifting finds, I’ve been on a roll. But your pink threads reminded me of this pink chair I found, as well as a bunch of vintage thread spools.
Went to the Goodwill in Carmel this week and got several things I needed or wanted, and daughter got five really cute dresses for about $26. Size 6. I am going to check out the outlet. I googled it and thought I saw more than one outlet. Sounds like fun. I love Goodwill. Just got a brand new with tags from Carson’s pants and jacket for 9 dollars.
I Love Goodwill and Thrift Store shopping! Also Goodwill has an Auction which I have Participated in Many Times and got things really cheap. If you Live in Inpls You can Pick up your Auction Wins at the Goodwill wharehouse up North and save on the Shipping Charge I Love It! Now I’m getting the Itch to go to the Goodwill! Good and Happy Shopping to all!
One of the Goodwill Outlets is on West Washington Street Next to KMarts. Ive Found Many things there!!
I’ve lived in Indy for 10 years, how have I not heard of the Goodwill outlet??
There are 4 Goodwill stores around my area, but the stuff isn’t great quality. I’ll have to check out some stores on the north side the next time I’m at Costco.
BTW–found you via iHeart Organizing. Immedatly drawn to your smile and the fact that you’re in Indiana 😀
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