Ruffled Burlap Table Runner
I’m sharing my ruffled burlap table runner with you today.

This was a crazy easy project. Pretty cheap too– about $10.
I started by cutting the burlap. I wanted it to hang over the edge of our dining room table so I cut it to size.

Then I got to work on the ruffles. I bought a yard of white muslin and cut two 5 inch strips. But after making one ruffle I realized that one yard wasn’t enough. Drats. So I headed back to JoAnn’s and bought 3 yards of white muslin and cut two 5 inch strips. Again.

I grabbed a needle and thread and started a running stitch. You can skip the needle and thread, and do this with your sewing machine. However, mine needed to be serviced so needle and thread it was.

I pulled the thread to bunch up the fabric, making the ruffles. I used an end of my runner to be sure that my ruffle was the correct length. I planned on sewing the ruffle to the burlap but the impatient side of me came out, and I decided to go with my trusty hot glue gun. I put a dot of glue every inch or so. It worked perfectly.

What do you think of my St. Patrick’s Day/spring centerpiece display? I kept some thrifty hurricanes from our wedding, so I pulled them out and threw in some candles and split peas.
Have you taken a ride on the blogland burlap bus? What’d ya make?