For the Renters

Before we became homeowners over 4 years ago, like many people, Brad and I were renters. Both of us rented throughout college and for two years after college. There are definitely some positives to renting– little to no yard work, no maintenance costs, etc. What I wouldn’t have given for someone else to pay the thousands of dollars to replace our heat pump system 4 months after we bought and moved into our house.

So today I wanted to share some tips and tricks for renters because I think they’re sometimes forgotten in this wild world of home and DIY blogs.

Small Space Storage Solutions

Storage Solutions for Urban Living

Tips for Living Large In Small Spaces

And recently, launched their rentals mobile app for Android and iOS7. “The new app allows consumers to customize searches, instantly view and save listings, and connect with agents or property managers.”

Stalk away!

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  1. 220 sq feet is super tiny but great suggestions for maxing out the space. I love the idea of using every inch which is great even when you space isn’t only 220!

  2. Wow! 220 sq ft is TINY! I’ve lived in some small spaces – dorm rooms, studio apartments… and I’m not sure I could ever go back now that I have a house with lots of storage!
    But, for a young single gal, wanting to save on rent, I really did like my small spaces!

  3. Some of these are really wonderful! As a renter, I thank you!

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