Preggo/Mom Series: At Charlotte’s House
So I can enjoy some time with Emmett and get acclimated to life with a newborn and a toddler, I asked some of my blog buddies to play along and answer some hard-hitting questions about pregnancy and motherhood. I did the same thing after I had Owen, if you want to check out those.
Today, my hilarious friend, Charlotte from At Charlotte’s House is sharing her experiences and insights. Charlotte and her husband live in Connecticut with their five kids– and they’re all alive and well so she clearly has this parenting thing down.
What did you enjoy about being pregnant?
There was a fun freedom from being body conscious ironically… also all the door holding and elastic waists and cheese.
What did you NOT enjoy about being pregnant?
With each pregnancy I was hampered earlier and earlier just by my size; things like bending over and running and crouching made it hard to play with my kids and build and tidy up… also things like back pain kicked in sooner and sooner. There’s also just a lot in the body fluid department.
What did you miss most during your pregnancy/pregnancies (booze, sushi, lifting heavy objects, being able to fit into tight spaces, etc.)?
For my earlier pregnancies, I missed being able to run… I got over that by the last ones. Definitely missed having more than one drink (I’d have a glass of wine on occasion). And again, towards the end… I missed feeling like a non-whale.
Any interesting pregnancy cravings?
Lucky Charms.
If you weren’t married to your spouse and could choose one celebrity to father your children, who would that be and why?
Matt Damon. Mostly the Boston accent, but also his love for his teacher mama and… heck he’s hot.
Let’s pretend you’re a mega celebrity, what would you name your baby/babies (i.e. Pilot Inspektor, Chicago West, Fifi Trixiebell)?
Dawson Pacey.
What are the three baby products you couldn’t live without?
Aquaphor, Sound machine, Swaddle blanket
Must have postpartum product.
Cinnamon rolls. Ugg Slippers. Nursing bras. And for my early pregnancies, I loved having a nursing pillow. By the end I could nurse a baby in the other room practically.
What’s one thing you didn’t know about babies before you had your own?
Sleep training will become an obsession. For the first couple of months, they change their routine every few days seemingly!
If I offered to care for your child/children for 48 hours what would do, where would you go, etc.?
Assuming 48 hours rules out any airplane travel, I’d go into NYC, get a hotel room and pretend like I lived there again. Shopping and spas and day drinking and theater. And then I’d have brunch (I miss brunch) and go wander around an outlet mall.
Any sage mom advice you’d like to share?
Get them on a schedule. You have 8 weeks grace period, but then, gloves are off. They need to learn sleep habits and YOU are their teacher for this. Learn to leave them alone. Learn to wait. Learn to put them down no matter what. You are in charge, regardless of the shenanigans your kid tries to pull. If they’re 3 years old and want to have applesauce three meals a day, guess what… YOU are the boss and the answer is no. 🙂 And again… there are SO many body fluids.
Do you have a funny pregnancy, birth, or motherhood story you’d like to share?
Strangers in the city used to call out that I was having a boy because of how large and round my belly was. It happened more than once. I had a girl.
Check out Charlotte’s top three blog posts!
How to Fake A Reclaimed Wood Wall
You can find Charlotte here:
Wish I lived closer and could come meet that baby!! But after mentioning body fluids so many times maybe you’re just as happy I’m in Connecticut.
I LOVE THIS POST! Such a good series idea, and so much good wisdom in these!!
Just got around to finally reading this post and love it. So fun and just great to get a different perspective on babies. Thanks for sharing.