
Baby #2 Is A…

Before we get to the announcement, I thought I’d let you make an unscientific guess first.

To aid in the guessing, I filled out this Old Wives’ Tales questionnaire– the same one I did for Owen’s gender reveal party.

We didn’t do any sort of reveal for Baby #2. I told everyone we’re going to treat him/her like the second child he/she is.

The 50/50 split is very helpful, isn’t it?

Alright, have your guess?

More trucks, trains, and bowties in our future! Baby #2 is a boy!

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  1. Congratulations!!!!!

  2. Congrats! How exciting! As a mama of 2 girls, I’d love a boy next!

  3. Congratulations! How exciting to have brothers!!!!

  4. Andrea Anderson says:

    Congratulations! It makes it easy with hand me downs 🙂

  5. Carly Clarke says:

    Congratulations !!!!!!

  6. Congratulations all that matters is that it’s healthy

  7. The letterboard sign is the cutest!! Congrats to you, Brad, and Owen!

  8. Congratulations! It will be fun to have two boys so close in age.

  9. Congratulations!!! Your message board is so sweet! I’m waiting to see if I’m preggers right now! I have all the symptoms, but the first blood test was borderline. Too early to test. Apparently I jumped the gun.

  10. Over 90% of the old wives tales said we were having a girl. I read somewhere that mother’s intuition is correct 70% of the time. Both my husband and I KNEW we were having a girl. Nope. Boy. So much for the Old Wives tales. I also read somewhere that your odds of having the same gender in subsequent births is much higher than having a different gender than the first, which has proven true for virtually everyone I know with more than one child. I also hear feom everyone I tell we’re having a boy to, that boys are so much fun! Congrats!

  11. Congratulations! As a mom of two boys, I have to say, they are the best!! 🙂

  12. Congratulations! I have 3 boys ages 5, almost 3 and 5 months. They are the best!!! And loooooooove their mamas, as you already know!

  13. Congratulations! Fellow mommy boy too! They’re the best of buds!

  14. Mary Kaiser says:

    I had three boys and then finally a girl. The boys were so much easier than the 1 girl when they were growing up, but now that my daughter is not a teenager we get along great and I am closer to her than the boys now. They are all grown up and have left home. I guessed that you were having a boy. Congratulations and I hope your pregnancy goes well.

  15. Congratulations!!! you will be continue being the QUEEN in your home! 😉

  16. Boys are terrific, had two sons, now four teenage grandsons, that I adore, and yes they love their moms. Have two very special granddaughters, as well. Enjoy those little ones!

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