A Day In the Life + Giveaway
I was asked by Babyganics to document a day in the life to show Owen’s daily adventures. Since he’s only 2 months old he doesn’t lead a very exciting life but we make the most of it.
Owen wakes up around 7 AM for his morning feeding and a diaper change. Then, he goes back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. During this time I usually get stuff done around the house or work on blog stuff. But I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I get a couple hours of sleep. So I don’t really count his day as starting until around 10 or 11.
If he doesn’t appear particularly famished, I change his diaper after getting him out of his Rock ‘N Play and unswaddling (yep, that’s a word) him.
On this particular day, a Friday, Owen gifted me with a blow out of epic proportions. Almost all of his blow outs occur on Friday mornings. I think I should start mentally preparing myself for blow out Fridays on Thursday nights. Having the Babyganics Face, Hand, & Baby Wipes on hand in these situations is a must. The wipes are gentle on skin, can be used for diapering as well as on the face and hands, and are a soft, strong material.
Anyway, I typically bathe Owen at night when Brad is home to provide back up. But since Owen was such a hot mess, I decided to knock out the bath by myself.
He looks so relieved, doesn’t he?
Owen typically likes bath time. It’s where he laughed for the first and second times. Seriously, the most adorable thing ever.
And we have it on video. I may or may not watch it a few times a day.
We always set up a little drying station on our bed, putting down one of our Ikea Tutig changing pads first (love these!). You never know when this kid is going to start free peeing, as we call it. We also grab our other after bath supplies– lotion, diaper, clothes. The Babyganics Moisturizing Daily Lotion is great because the thick formula moisturizes really well and absorbs into the skin without leaving a greasy feeling.
Before we run his bath, one of us throws his towel in the dryer for a few minutes to heat it up so it’s nice and warm when he gets out of the tub. Since I was flying solo, I wrapped his towel in another towel to keep it warm while I bathed him.
Owen loathes the drying off process. He screams his little head off.
So we have to hurry up, dry him off, apply lotion, slap on his diaper, and immediately pick him up to console him. Once he’s calm we can put him down and dress him. At least he’s predictable.
After his torturous drying off session, he was exhausted so he snuck in a little nap in his mamaroo. While he napped, I ate some lunch, unloaded the dishwasher, and put away his laundry.
After waking, it was time to nurse.
Then, he fit in a little exercise action on his activity gym in my home office while I edited blog photos and responded to some emails.
Owen worked up an appetite with all that exercise so it was time to nurse again. He fell asleep on me while I attempted to burp him so I snuggled with him for a while before putting him in his Rock ‘N Play in my office so I could get some more work done.
Every evening we take Owen and Jack on a walk around our neighborhood. Owen loves looking at his turtle friend.
The rest of our night is basically a repeated cycle of activity time, diaper change, nurse, snuggle time, and nap until bedtime.
Our days aren’t very exciting these days but I’ll take it. I’m sure he’ll keep me on my toes once he’s mobile so I’m cherishing these laid back days.
Giveaway time! To enter for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card, leave a comment below letting me know what daily moments you cherish most with your little ones.
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This sweepstakes runs from 11/12/2014 – 11/15/2014.
Be sure to visit the Babyganics brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ posts!
My little ones are all grown up (except the 12yo), but my daughter and her husband are expecting baby #3 (a boy!) in December. They will be moving in a couple of weeks which is heartbreaking for us. But I know their girls will adjust well with a new routine in a new place. I would gift this card to my daughter. Thanks for the chance.
My little ones aren’t so little and I appreciate the moments where I can see their true personality shine through.
My kids aren’t little anymore, either. I’m cherishing all sorts of moments, now, though. The moments I don’t have to worry about a babysitter for one! 😉 Mine are teenagers, so I’m learning they’re actually pretty cool people. My son likes to cook with me and my daughter decided to learn to sew (I’m helping her make her first dress. Squee!). We’re finally able to enjoy [some of] the same shows, books, etc. My daughter is even my “date” to the symphony and opera. I’ll admit I lucked out in the teenager department, though, in that they are NOTHING like I was (behavior wise)!
I absolutely love nursing my LO. It’s time that I know no one else ‘can have’ with him, as only I can provide his nourishment and of course I enjoy the snuggles while he nurses.
I cherish the pictures as time goes so fast that I know the pictures will be pleasant reminders of the days that seem to be a blur!
No little people yet, maybe one day but for now I cherish the laughter whenever and however it occurs in our home.
I have a 5-year-old daughter and a 2.5-year-old son. My favorite moments often happen when I catch the two of them playing nicely together (rare!) or when one of them is telling me a story — these two come up with the funniest comments! They keep me on my toes!
Nighttime snuggling with my newborn after older kids go to bed is my favorite part of the day.
My favorite time of day is when I get to rock my 10m old to sleep, which doesn’t occur often, and when I lay in bed with my 3yr old and read him his bed time story and steal all his kisses. Moments I wouldn’t pass up for the world!
You have an adorable son.
My son is 13 and will be leaving for Washington DC tonight on a class trip. {Lord help me}. When he was 3 months old {I think…} I most enjoyed feeding him cereal and fruit at dinner time. I loved watching his face while he mushed the cereal and fruit, experiencing the new textures/flavors. That seems like another lifetime. I wish we had blogs, Facebook, IG and other ‘modern technology’ back then for documentation. Enjoy every little moment with Owen for they are fast and fleeting.
My favorite moments when my girls were little babies was each morning when they woke up….they were always so happy, smiley and content. Miss those days, it goes fast!
My kids are 8 months (boy) and almost 3 (girl), and they are usually so happy when they first wake up in the morning. My son is happy and smiley, and my daughter starts talking about breakfast right away!
My son is 15 months and he still loves to snuggle which I cherish!!
I don’t have any little ones yet, but it’s encouraging to hear that you actually have some down time! After getting married, everyone felt the need to give me advice on how to enjoy all the free time we have now before we have kids. Now, I know you have a lot less free time with s new baby, but it’s nice to hear that you still have a chance to do some things that you enjoy.
No wee ones right now, but our daily cherished moments come in the form of time spent together, evenings at home, and take out. 🙂
I love nursing snuggles! And Milk coma faces – they are hilarious!
You have such a precious baby! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I really enjoy bedtime routine with baths and stories.
Tweeted your giveaway — https://twitter.com/mrsrogersfrugal/status/532538498554007552
I always cherished nap time. I never got any work done during that time because I would just watch her sleep. Sleeping babies are just so peaceful.
My kids are no longer little, but these days I cherish those first moments when they get home from school. Reconnecting after a day apart is a joy!!
My first little one is due right around Christmas so right now I’m enjoying her being so easy to take care of and her sweet little kicks. I know I’m going to miss these days.
My favorite moments are mornings. Sleepy kiddos coming out to snuggle for a bit in the quiet before the day begins.
We don’t have a little one just yet, the closest we’ve got is our not so little 120 lb lab. We love when he sneaks into our bed in the mornings to snuggle between us. Not exactly comfortable, but still so sweet.
My 2 go to bed about an hour apart, I love the one on one time I get to spend with each one before they go to sleep. Sometimes it feels like the only time they truly get my undivided attention, without any interruptions
I cherish the moral lessons my toddler princess and I learn together. At ages 3 and twenty something respectively we are learning together how to be kind to others and express ourselves effectively. We sing a lot (often to teach each other) and enjoy impromptu choreography sessions in the kitchen.
I love the morning snuggles!! There is nothing like holding your child when they are in a snuggling mood. My son is 2 so I don’t get to hold him as much as I would like to. However first thing in the morning he wants me and only me and I eat it up!! Best time of the day!!
My little girl is almost 4 months and everything is so special but my favorite is when she laughs. My husband can always get her to laugh much easier than I can but either way it’s the best little noise!!
My little one is 17 months old and is about a week away from becoming a big brother! We enjoy going to the park together – it’s fun to see him enjoy the play area, the grass, the dirt and sticks. It’s his favorite place to be!
I do not have a little one yet, but am 9 weeks along! I’m just waiting for the doctors appointment when we can see the first picture of him/her!!
I cherish this special time with my first born grandson. I love rocking him in the same wooden rocking chair that my great grandmother rocked me in. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make us so happy……
With the three oldest in school and me working full time, the best part of every day is dinner–sometimes we even like to end the day with some music and dancing.
I love bathtime with my sweet baby girl…and she loves it even more! She coos & smiles up at me the whole time! 🙂
I love, love, love when they randomly love each other! Catching my girls hugging their little brother or the them snuggling under a blanket watching a movie…warms my heart! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have three little ones (2, 3 &5) and it’s busy around here. I love the individual cuddle time. When they just crawl up in my lap to get some snuggles in.
I work full time, so I literally cherish every single second I am with my 7 month old baby boy. I cherish his smiles and giggles, when he says momma and waves at me, I cherish kissing his little toes and his forehead, I cherish rocking him to sleep, I cherish even the nightly feedings so I can snuggle him and breath him in, I find so much joy in just watching him play and soak in everything around him. I wish I was able to spend my days with him and miss those nursing all day long sessions when I was on maternity leave!!
I recently returned to work full time after having my first baby. I miss her terribly, so really I cherish any moment I have with her. Time is already passing so quickly!
my favorite time is cuddling with them in their pjs. Either in the morning or right before bed,
Mine aren’t so little anymore but I’d have to say I enjoy bedtime/naptime rituals and cuddling and when they play and giggle together.
My children are ages 16, 11 and 3. With such age gaps it is often hard to find family activities that everyone will enjoy. The one thing we all love is our dance parties in the kitchen. I cherish watching my children all dancing, laughing and smiling and always feel so blessed!
My little guy is almost 2. I love the 5-10 minutes before bed that he’ll sit on my lap and snuggle.
My husband gets up with the baby in the morning so I love when they both come in when it’s time for me to wake up and I get a little snuggle time before I have to start my day!
I love how excited they are to see me when I pick them up from school. I’m sure it will not always be that way. 🙂
I have a 3 month old grandson that I take care of every day. I am truly enjoying the slow pace we have, whereas it was constantly busy when my own kids were little. My favorite part of the day is when he looks into my eyes and give me that big toothless grin when he sees me in the morning. I love reading about your sweetie. That gift card would certainly buy a lot of diapers!
My baby is 15, but I still cherish the time when she gets off the bus before starting her homework, when she tells me about her day. When she was little, I really loved the time after her nap, when she just cuddled with me and we read a book before she wanted down to start playing!
I don’t have any little ones… yet! But I do cherish my furry little ones. My cat usually only purrs and cuddles first thing in the morning – so that time is very special to me. 🙂
So adorable, maybe I’ll take inspiration and write my own “day-in-the-life” post of my little man. At 4mo he’s not as predictable as your little guy and whenever I think he’s got a schedule down he mixes it up! My favorite moment is when DH comes home and my little man lights up with big smiles for his daddy. Melts my heart every time.
I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter, she’s becoming more independent each day which is great but also sad so I always tell her to come in our bedroom in the morning for snuggles because I know that some day she’ll be too old for that sort of thing and I’ll miss it. I never miss a chance to say I love you to her.
The feeling that you are the only person in the world that can comfort them or make it all okay makes it all worth it.
I cherish morning hugs and dinner time together.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I don’t have a little one yet, but I am pregnant with a little boy that is due in about 6 weeks. Right now I cherish all the little kicks I feel, but I can’t wait until he is here and I can snuggle with him!
I can’t wait to have our little one in May to start cherishing these moments that you are getting to experience. Loving the stories about little Owen. He is absolutely adorable! 🙂
All the smiles a giggles throughout the day!
Bath and bottle at bedtime are the best with my 8 month old!
Can little one mean…dog? Haha! Well, with that little stinker, I most look forward to my walks with him after work 🙂
I cherish the time I spend reading books with my children.
I do not have a little one yet but I can’t wait for those moments! My brother and gf just had a baby and just being around her makes you happy. Babies are the best!!
I love the middle of the night nursing sessions with my 2 week old right now. I love the quietness and snuggling that the night brings.
We don’t have any little ones in our household but we do have 4 awesome cats. One is a special needs cat and he is the most amazing little creature, his purr can be heard clear acrossed a room. The little guy is a joy and brings great happiness to our home, as due the other three.
I cherish the time when my 8 month old wakes up. He has such a happy look on his face to see me and I actually miss him from bedtime the night before. I love being him at that time!
Your son is adorable. My children are grown now. Thanks for the giveaway.
I cherish still being to hold my daughter on my lap.
I loved reading about a day in his life. I am due in March so this will all hit me in no time!
I love it when they’re feeling snuggly.
I cherish the time that I am home with my Little One and the snuggles! I am also cherishing how snuggles make everything better right now!
My little one is still in utero, but I’m so looking forward to the snuggles. Also, as I told my husband today, I can’t wait for him to be able to carry this baby around for a bit. I’m out of space!
Anytime my son (19mos) climbs up on my lap or hugs my legs or just says “I want mommy”…those are my favorites.
I love walking into her room in the morning and seeing the smile when I say good morning!
I cherish hugs and laughs
My favorite moments are bed time when my little one is nursing and cuddles up with me before I put him to sleep!
Snuggling is a favorite time around our household. Whether it’s before bed or just in he middle of the day…there’s just something peaceful about snuggling with a tiny human 🙂
I love greeting my son as he gets off the bus. It always gets me a big smile!
ahh right now i cherish the evenings before i go to sleep because thats when i feel him kicking the most! 🙂
My babies are all grown but we’re lucky enough to live nearby our 4 grandkids. Watching them grow has been even better than I’d imagined!!
I’m pregnant with my first (due next week!) so currently my favorite moments are feeling her move around and knowing that soon I’ll be seeing her little feet and hands on the outside!
dinnertime where they tell me about the day they had at school
I love bath time with my baby girl!
Even though I know it’s a stall technique, I love when my 3 year old demands “a lot more hugs and a lot more kisses” at bedtime! I’m happy to oblige!
I so enjoyed snuggling time with my kids when they were little, snuggle and cuddle and nap together. The best memories ever.
My wee ones are no longer wee, but are full grown adults. My oldest was an extremely fussy baby, crying day and night for 6 months! The one time each day that he gave me time to cuddle him peacefully was for about 20 minutes after his morning bath. I looked forward to that small chunk of time so much! My other child was a sweet, easy baby and every moment was wonderful!
I look forward to the time my kid runs to me for a big hug when I get home and open the front door.
My little one isn’t here yet. I’m due Dec 11th. This post has made me extra excited about when my baby arrives and I can set up a routine like you have. Thanks!
My daughter is all grown up but I still enjoy time with her 🙂
What really cute pics of your little one. I don’t have kids.
we use that same babyganics moisturizer! no flaky babies in this house!!
My little guy is not so little anymore, and as he’s about to start middle school I’m cherishing all kinds of little everyday moments as they fly by. He’s still pretty excited about reading, and hearing about his latest literary adventures is a favorite part of my day :).
Love the sweet little comments and random hugs!
I cherish the daily smiles.
I love spending time with my boys, especially our story time at night! Both boys snuggling with me, what more can I ask for!
I shared on twitter!! https://twitter.com/HeatherLynn626/status/532728281653866497
I cherish our bedtime stories! I love reading to my daughter at night and spending quality time with her!
The daily moments I cherish most with my little ones is there laughter and the precious smiles that just warms my heart.
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/lil_lady_dz/status/532732251595739137
I love the snuggle time right before bed or the weekend mornings when it’s just me and my son.
Just an observation but your sons head looks very flat on the back. Maybe it’s the camera angles? If it is getting flat then maybe tummy time and being carried in a carrier instead of in the stroller might be a good idea.
My little ones are 6 now, but they still love to cuddle. I cherish mornings when they climb in to bed, and evenings when we cuddle on the couch and read books before bed.
I tweeted this giveaway: https://twitter.com/lilpinksocks/status/532799849360789504
My little one is 3 years old and my favorite daily moment is when he randomly says. “momma, I wuv you!!!” At the top of his lungs. He does this several times a day.
I work full time, so I really cherish every moment I have with my two kids. My daughter is 8 and my son is 3. He is growing up too fast and I always try to think how he’s not really a baby anymore, and I really need to just stop and enjoy my time with both of them. So, on the weekends and evenings i try to do that as much as possible! 🙂
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/crazygirl24/status/532911898703179776
My favorite thing is nursing Jack first thing in the morning, when the house is quiet and he’s still sort of sleepy. When he’s done he always gives a big stretch and smiles at me, and it’s objectively the cutest thing in the world 🙂
My favorite moments are when they fall sleep in your arms and you can snuggle and they are so sweet it almost aches.
Anxiously awaiting the birth of my son….6 days until my date due & would love to win a gift card!!
Taking our evening walks!
i cherish
the night time ritual. Bath, brush teeth and bed. I love how the big sister (5) helps the little sister (3) to reach the sink and how to brush her teeth. Its the sweetest time for them other wise they are fighting like cats and dogs!
I love when my baby falls asleep in my arms after nursing.
sweet snuggles in the dark at bedtime
i tweeted!
I love doing the little things with my little boy. He loves to help me cook or bake.
I love playing hide n seek with my little boy. He is 21 months and kind of figured the game out. But he loves looking for us. We don’t have much time to hide. When he hides sometimes we pretend we can’t see him. It is so fun to see them grow.
enjoy every moment you have because too soon they will be grown and gone!
I posted a tweet here:
When my kids were young, my favorite memories are from when they first started reading.
I love breakfast together and books before bed!
I love when the kids get home from school and are excited to tell me all about their day.
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/pixel_berry_pie/status/533120099302260736
I love when my 9 year old daughter snuggles with me before bedtime while we read together.
I love bath time with my little ones. They love it too
My favorite moments when my children were little babies rocking them to sleep was a moment I cherish.
I don’t actually have human children but I do have three remaining fur babies, who are my children of choice. My fav moments with them are the daily times when each individual habitually comes to me for affection. The unconditional love I see in their little eyes and the connection we have is something I truly cherish, especially after 3 of them passed away in the past 6 months. I have learned that you never know how much time you have with your family of choice and you must cherish every day. I think this is true of human or animal babies.
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/533315976629321728
Cherish bath time and bed time stories.
No little ones yet, but I imagine that I’m going to enjoy the snuggles the most
No little ones yet, but hopefully soon! 🙂 Probably smiles 🙂
no matter their age, it’s those precious smiles that are the best
I shared: https://twitter.com/purviscs06/status/533441529604759553
My favorite moments are in the morning when my daughter just wakes up…bed hair, warm sleepy smile, and red cheeks.
I cherish all of my time with my newborn son, but I really really love his bedtime routine (bath, nurse, snuggle, book).
I love when they just bury their face in your shoulder when you’re carrying them. So sweet!
I love tucking them in at night, and our weekend leisure time together! Thanks for the chance!
My cherished moments are feeling my baby boy kicking and anticipating getting to meet him!
The daily moment I cherish the most is after bath when I seat and rock them and read to him til he falls asleep!
I tweeted
I cherish all of their “firsts”
I cherish our after school time. I fix my boys hot cocoa and we snuggle on the couch while they tell me about their day. And the baby enjoys the time with the older boys, too.
I love bath time with my baby!
I don’t have any kids yet but I love spending time with my nieces and nephew. It is so much fun to see their own, unique personalities shine through as they get older. And I love reading with them!
I cherish the little smiles!
I cherish the little smiles!
tweeted https://twitter.com/mermont84/status/533736961773932544
I cherish all of the moments that my great grandchildren spend with me.
mary at yahoo.com
My babies are grown now but I loved every moment of them and their soft skin!
gmissycat at gmail dot com
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
I love when he looks up at me and smiles 🙂
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
I watch my niece’s son and I just love the cuddling, little smiles and being able to hold a baby again after so many years.
I am only 14 weeks pregnant with my first,but i know i will cherish the kicks once I can feel them.
I tweeted too https://twitter.com/jessrwarfield/status/534402816862093312
I cherish our daily family dinner time where all of us (me, my husband and our 6 kiddos) are all together chatting about our day and having a nice meal!
I’m expecting, but I really look forward to cherishing reading time with my little girl – I hope to pass on my love of books!
I still love the nightly story time and snuggles!
Love morning cuddles and book reading.
No little ones yet, but I cherish coming home from work everyday and getting greeted by a big hug from my hubby and the un-containable excitement from my puppy!
My little one is just under 2 months also. Unfortunately my days aren’t as routine as yours. Right now, he doesn’t like napping on his back so I’m having to hold him during that time. Fortunately, I love holding him and that is what I cherish right now as there will be a day where he won’t let me.
In the small intestines the enzyme, lactase is deficient in breaking down lactose
into two simpler forms of sugar forms glucose and galactose.
Cut the leaves with sharp knife or use a mini cookie cutter.
If you want the seeds salted then place in a bowl of saltwater first and
leave overnight.