Preggo/Mom Series: Thrifty Decor Chick
Today, the lovely Sarah from Thrifty Decor Chick is sharing her experiences and insights.
What did you enjoy about being pregnant?
I loved being pregnant — pretty much all of it. My favorite part was feeling him move. My boy was super active during the day and would sleep at night when I did, it was perfect. 🙂
What did you NOT enjoy about being pregnant?
I was on partial bed rest and then full bed rest — the latter was only for a week or so but was pretty rough. I had horrible back pain from the contractions and cried pretty much all day every day. I was either in horrible pain or totally out of it from the muscle relaxers — that week was one of my lowest.
What did you miss most during your pregnancy/pregnancies (booze, sushi, lifting heavy objects, being able to fit into tight spaces, etc.)?
Easy. Margaritas. 🙂
Any interesting pregnancy cravings?
Watermelon. I couldn’t get enough.
Any interesting pregnancy aversions?
I didn’t have a problem with one thing in particular, but I only gained 20 pounds total the whole pregnancy because nothing sounded appetizing my first 20 weeks. And by that I mean I would nearly puke every time food was put in front of me. Except for watermelon. I never got sick once though — just felt like I would for 140 days straight.
If you weren’t married to your spouse and could choose one celebrity to father your children, who would that be and why?
Gosh that’s hard. My husband is such an awesome Dad I can’t even imagine anyone else. Sickeningly sweet I know!
What are the three baby products you couldn’t live without?
I LOVED the wipe warmer. I know many think it’s not a biggie but it was so nice in the middle of the night. The BundleMe was great for the car seat since we had a December baby — I never had to put him in a coat. And we only swaddled for a month or two but I loved the ones with the velcro — they were so easy and made him feel safe and warm.
What’s one thing you didn’t know about babies before you had your own?
I thought babies took forever to sleep through the night. We lucked out and our guy was sleeping through by five weeks. What I didn’t realize was that they will sleep through the night for weeks and then stare at you all night long every night for a week…for no reason. And then repeat that over and over.
If I offered to care for your child/children for 48 hours what would do, where would you go, etc.?
We’d go on a trip to our favorite place, NYC. We’ve now got our boy hooked on it so we haven’t been without him for years. Are you offering?? 😉
Any sage mom advice you’d like to share?
Two things — never say never. So many of the things you’d “never” do with your child come to be. 🙂 And remember your child is different and an individual and has different experiences and all of that means your child will grow and advance at different rates than others. Don’t compare yours to others. Love, enjoy and live in what they are at that moment and don’t let comparison steal your joy.
You can find Sarah here:
Sarah looks so darn cute pregnant!