How I Lost 20 Pounds in 2.5 Months
Yesterday I laid down some groundwork about the lifelong struggle with my weight. Today I’m explaining how I was able to lose 20 pounds in 2 months.
Let me begin by saying that before I started this program I was miserable. I felt horrible after meals, especially dinner. I was a gross, irritable, bloated mess. I was also tired a lot– taking 1-3 afternoon naps a week.
Getting Started
In May, I purchased this book.
If you’re wanting to transition to a clean eating lifestyle this is the book you need to get. The book has everything you need. Don’t waste your time trying to track down information on websites because it’s free.
The book covers The Whole30 Challenge, which is basically 30 days of clean eating. But you don’t have to do only 30 days. You can do 60, 90, etc. I’m not going to go into detail about the book, I’ll let you read it yourself.
Whole30 is a stricter form of the paleolithic diet. You can eat certain meats, vegetables, fruits, and fats. Here’s the shopping list if you’d like to check out all the foods. BUT don’t print off the shopping list, get the food, and try the diet without reading the book. It doesn’t work like that. You need to read the book first.
The creators of the book and program also came out with a 30-day guide to Whole30, complete with the science behind the program, step-by-step guide, and recipes. You can purchase the guide here.
The Food
I do a horrible job of photographing my food so I only have three photos to share with you– and they just so happen to be breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
My breakfasts usually consists of 2-3 whole eggs (they discuss how egg yolks aren’t the devil in the book) with roasted peppers, 1/2 avocado, and fruit (strawberry, mango, pineapple, or apple). If I’m feeling lazy or running late, I’ll have an apple and almond butter. But I can tell that I lose more weight on the days I ate eggs.
For lunch, I typically make a salad and throw on some leftover meat from dinner the night before. I put all kinds of stuff on my salads to make them more interesting– strawberries, cashews, onions, avocado, kalamata olives, tomatoes, blueberries, etc. The book has dressing recipes in it but I’m lazy so I just use a balsamic vinaigrette.
We typically have chicken or beef for dinner. (I’m not a huge fish person.) For the sides, I make either sweet potatoes with cinnamon, homemade sweet potato fries (with pumpkin pie spice and a little bit of lite virgin olive oil), roasted asparagus, mixed vegetables, roasted peppers, mushrooms, or broccoli. And 95% of the time we have leafy green salads (butter lettuce, leafy romaine, or spinach) with our dinners.
This specific meal is a hamburger topped with homemade guacamole, homemade sweet potato fries, and a spinach salad with onion, strawberries, and cashews.
I cook and bake all of our food (that requires cooking and baking) in coconut oil. Trader Joe’s has an awesome coconut oil spray that I use all the time.
The thing I love about the Whole30 program is that there’s no calorie, carb, etc, etc. counting. There’s no points to track. There’s no shakes, drink mixes, etc. They tell you what foods you should eat and how big your portions should be. That’s it.
Okay, let’s talk exercise. I haven’t really exercised since starting the program. But my idea of exercise is doing a 1 hour weight and conditioning class or a 1 hour kickboxing class. However, Brad and I take Jack on 20-40 minute walks every evening. And once a week we would play on our co-ed softball team. I need to work more weight lifting back in because I like how I feel (and look) when I’m toned, and muscle burns more calories than fat when your body is resting.
Eating Out
I should probably cover eating out, huh? If I’m too tired after work to cook, Brad and I hit up either Jimmy John’s, where I get an Unwich (usually a #16) or Chipotle, where I get a burrito bowl with chicken, grilled veggies, salsa, guacamole, and lettuce (no rice, beans, cheese, sour cream). If we go to a nicer sit-down place I order some sort of meat with a salad and vegetable or a large salad with chicken.
After following the program, besides the weight loss, I feel ten times better. I rarely get bloated after eating. My energy level is up (I no longer require naps). And I feel like my head is clearer.
If you plan on trying out the Whole30 program just remember: the key is to focus on what you CAN eat rather than what you can’t eat. Take the time to try new foods and recipes.
Have you tried the Whole30 program? How’d it go?
Is the Whole30 program something you’d be interested in trying?
EDIT (August, 18, 2015)
I wrote this post 2 years ago. I managed to keep the weight off for a few months without being super strict (I still didn’t crave sugar or carbs as much) until I got pregnant (my first pregnancy) in November, 2014. I found that Whole30 was hard to follow while being pregnant, so I didn’t really stick to it while I was pregnant. Like most women, I gained weight during my pregnancy.
After giving birth to my son in August, 2014, I exclusively breastfed him for 11 months until July, 2015. I wasn’t one of those lucky ladies who sees their baby weight fall off while nursing, instead the baby weight stuck to me like glue. So I tried doing Whole30 in January, 2015 while nursing my son, but I noticed a drop in my supply so I stopped the Whole30 program because feeding my infant was more important to me than losing the baby weight. Now that my son has weaned, I intend on starting Whole30 again soon to reset my metabolism and curb sugar cravings so I can lose the baby weight.
EDIT (May 20, 2016)
While I haven’t fully committed to doing the program since giving birth to my son, I’ve kept up with a lot of the eating habits I learned while doing the program. For breakfast I usually have eggs and avocado and for lunch I typically have a big mixed salad with chicken. And I still snack on apples and almond butter. Since my last update last August, I’ve lost 32 pounds.
That food looks really good! I will have to check it out! Thanks for sharing.
I have not heard of this book! I will check it out.
I did the southbeach diet leading up to my wedding and it was all based around eating specific things. I definitely feel better when I am eating like that (less processed sugars and carbs). And learned a lot about my body from it.
I love the idea of sharing the progress along the way and having a support group! (maybe a link up party?)
Wow! Sounds like a great plan! I haven’t bought the book yet, but its on my wish list! We sound a lot a like – (I require naps) and would love to be more productive and not need them. Maybe a “clean detox” is what I need. THANK YOU
I would be game for the challenge, but I wont be able to buy the book for a little bit!
Isn’t it amazing how powerful food is? Congratulations on shedding so many pounds and for feeling so much better. We generally try to eat healthy but I can definitely tell a difference on the days I splurge.
I hadn’t heard of the book till your post. I have literally just purchased it as it looks so good and I am wanting guidance on making positive food changes. Thank you for the post, very good timing:-)
I’m going to try this out! I’ve had a life long battle with food and fad diets. I would love an Instagram challenge! Lets do it 😀 I would love having a group that can motivate us all! #221whole30FTW !!
Good for you for being so dedicated! I have friends that tried the paleo thing, loved it, and won’t go back to eating badly again because of how great they feel. I actually think the series would be cool! I certainly would be interested, just let me know.
Also, what made you decide on this particular program??
I saw other people doing the diet and talking about all of the changes they noticed. Nothing else was working for me so I decided to give it a try.
My husband and I did the whole30 in June with fantastic results…we both had more energy that we ever have, great digestive health, I lost weight (needed to), he gained weight (needed to), skin issues cleared up, etc….but it was HARD. And not so much the giving up half of what I used to eat, but just all the shopping, prepping and cooking from scratch, even though I did a lot of that before. Even still, we’re SO glad we did it and have since fallen off the wagon a bit. I still cook paleo at home but we cheat a lot with our snacks, drinks and dessert. 🙂 I just found out I’m preggo with #4, would still like to lose a lot of weight and have considered tightening things up again. All that to say, I’d be really interested in a challenge too and am so glad you posted about this!
That’s awesome, Dana! I agree that it’s hard because of all the prep work that goes into it. I also feel like I’m always at the grocery store buying fresh produce. But it was definitely worth it. Congrats on baby #4!
Definitely going to have to check this book out! I’ve been working on trying to change what I’m eating, especially for work, and something like this definitely sounds manageable!
Thanks for the post! I’ve been follower of your blog for a while, but haven’t commented until now. I had my first baby 15 months ago. Last fall I got sick of being overweight. (Weight is a problem I’ve dealt with since college. In high school I always felt overweight, but looking at pictures from then I know it was just low self-esteem making me feel that way.)
So last fall I found “The 17 Day Diet” which is similar in theory to many of the popular diets, in which it eliminates carbs, starches and sugars, while encouraging lean proteins, leafy greens, veggies, fruit, and probiotics. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months and felt amazing. Unfortunately after the holidays were over I never got back on the wagon and have since gained back most of that weight. I’m kicking myself!
I think having a month-long challenge would be great! Thanks!
Thanks for commenting, Ashley! I’ve totally been there. I lost about 18 pounds last November/December only to gain it back and then some before doing the Whole30 program. So happy you’re up for the challenge! I’ll post the details this week.
I would be interested in a whole 30 challenge! I read the book in June but haven’t done the whole 30. I have a 3 month old who, at the time, was only a few weeks old and I thought it would be a bit much. Anyway, I’m dying to do it now that he’s a bit older!
My boyfriend and I have both been so exhausted by the end of the day, we don’t even have the energy to take our usual evening walks. It sucks, and I also hate feeling the constant “I need to lose 10 pounds” feeling I get when I look at myself in the mirror. Ok, you convinced me. Just ordered the book. 🙂
This is definitely something I would like for both my husband and I to try. We’ve both put on weight and need to get it off. I am going to buy the book and let you know how it goes! Thank you for sharing all of this information.
I HOPED that you’d be posting about the Whole30 when you teased the post yesterday. I’ve known Melissa and Dallas for 5 years. They are amazing people and have changed my life. I love hearing success stories from others!
Come check us out on the forums too!
This book looks great! I might have to buy it. My husband and I started trying to eat clean at the beginning of the year and have loved it. We started getting EMeals which sends you a clean eating meal plan (with recipes) every week. It’s been so helpful with giving us ideas and focusing on what we can eat! Loved this post 🙂
I’d be interested in a whole30 challenge. Let’s do it!!
I’m in …looking forward to the challenge . Buying it today !
This sounds like a great program! I love that there’s no counting–just focusing on smart, healthy eating. That’s what really matters, I think, and can be sustained in the long run. Nobody’s really going to count calories/carbs every single day for the rest of their life to try and keep results up, but you could realistically just keep making these sorts of healthy choices the majority of the time. And your food even looks delicious! (And how awesome that you didn’t just lose weight, but you feel better, too!) One question–how did you find that this has impacted your food bills? Are you spending roughly the same, more, or less on groceries than you were before? As silly of a reason as that might sound like to avoid food changes, that’s one thing that always comes to mind for me: how much it might affect the budget 😉 And I would be interested in a Whole 30 challenge! As a crave-tastic pregnant mess, I cannot promise 100% goody-two-shoes commitment, but I would certainly give it a shot 🙂
Is it bad that I don’t monitor our food bills? (Don’t answer that.) It’s probably more expensive because they really push organic and grass fed meat, organic fruits and veggies, etc. I buy our frozen chicken breasts at Trader Joe’s. While they aren’t organic, they’re hormone free and they’re not massive steroid sized like the Tyson chicken breasts I used to buy. For fruits and veggies I stick to the dirty dozen and clean fifteen for which organic produce to buy.
I just purchased the book and can’t wait to read it. I’d love to participate in an instagram challenge. I definitely need the accountability!
Great job! I love love love the Whole 30!! My husband I had great results with a very strict 30 days, and have kept the weight off for four months following it loosely – lots of cheat days.
I did the Whole 30 in January after reading the book. Right around day 20, my husband lost his job and we just imploded with stress eating. Since then, I’ve attempted to get back on it with not great success. I think an accountability-buddy would be great! 🙂
So sorry about your husband losing his job. I know how stressful that can be. Has he had any luck finding a new job? I’m going to post about the Instagram Whole30 challenge later this week. I hope you participate!
He did just land a job about a week ago, starting in September. Thank you for asking.
Can’t wait to hear about the challenge!
This is fantastic! I have heard of the book, but I always get nervous trying new things. Amazon has it on backorder at the moment (in stock Aug 11) So I will check out my local bookstore today and see if they have it.
I’d love to join you on the challenge, my instagram is khharms
P.S. I wish I would have introduced myself to you at Haven! I felt like I was stalking you, but I swear I wasn’t, lol!
Hah! If you were stalking me I didn’t notice. That probably means that you’re a good stalker. 😉 You definitely should have introduced yourself to me! I promise I don’t bite. I may slap you on the arm if you say something funny though. I hope you got the book! I’m going to post about the Instagram challenge this week.
You’re timing is perfect! I lost 35 pounds a year ago and want to lose 20 more, but for some reason this time around I don’t have the motivation, other than I am tired and hate how I look. I have just ordered the book. I have never used instagram, but I’m going to figure it out!
Way to go, Marie! Set up that Instagram account– you’ll love it!
What a great post! I have been working with a trainer at our Y who so encourages Paleo – and I know would endorse the Whole 30! I need to lose 50 pounds! Your pictures look so appealing and I am ready for the challenge – would be nice to have others to lean on for support, even through cyper space! Thanks for the encouragement!
Okay, I’m getting the book and I’m totally in for the challenge. I feel the same way after meals and I’m such a stress eater that it all becomes a vicious cycle. Breakfast is 100 percent my downfall. I pretty much eat crap and drive-through every day and it affects the entire day.
So, if you do a challenge – I’m in.
Thank you so much for sharing!! I think this is just what I need. Your description of how you felt sounds just like me!! Let’s do the challenge on Instagram…great idea!! I’m getting the book…NOW!! SOooo…excited!!
I have been eating “evolutionary” for about 5 months and it’s amazing what an impact food has on your moods! I really don’t like sugar anymore and avoid it at all costs… I pretty much each what you eat with the exception of all potatoes… I try to avoid all starch. I’m down 18 🙂
Way to go! I totally know what you mean about the sugar thing. I’ve always been a dessert person. But after doing Whole30 sugary treats aren’t nearly as appealing anymore. That, and after I eat them I feel so blah that it’s not really worth it to me.
I’d totally participate if you do a two twenty one Whole 30 challenge. I’ve been playing around with eating paleo, but with a little extra support I might actually be able to stick to it!
This sounds awesome! I’d definitely be up for the challenge! Question: can you snack at all like on fresh fruit or veggies? Sometimes our dinners are later than normal and I find myself wanting to devour everything in site if I don’t have a small snack around 3, 3:30.
Do iiiiiiiiiit. They encourage three meals with no snacking in between. The idea is that if you eat what you’re supposed to at each meal it should hold you over to the next meal. I didn’t have issues with snack cravings. But I’m sure if you’re starving you could cheat a little and have a small snack.
You look great Chelsea! I’ve been thinking about getting this book for awhile now, you’ve convinced me I NEED to pick it up. I love that its more of a life overhaul than a diet. I would LOVE to start a challenge, I’ve been looking for something to give me a kick in the butt to get going. 🙂
Thanks, Jenna! It’s the best thing I’ve found to get myself on track. I hope you’ll participate in the challenge– I’ll post about it this week.
this is interesting. i wonder if my husband could stick to this. I know I could (most days!) but he is the stinker in our weight loss adventure…
BUt, I suppose I have my weakness, wine.
Are you allowed to have any wine or other adult beverages on this?
Brad sort of followed it. He had to eat what I ate for dinner because I was the one cooking dinner. He never complained, but he’s been doing the my fitness pal app since April (he’s lost 20+ pounds).
Nope. No alcohol. But it’s only 30 days. I will say that I don’t have many cravings for beer or wine after doing the program. Before I’d have wine or beer with dinner most nights.
Huge Congratulations!! You look fab! The diet that I always use to get back into shape is the ‘Clean and Lean’ diet which sounds very similar to the ‘It Starts with Food’ one. You always feel so much better when you eat good, wholesome food. Looking forward to hearing how you get on in the future!! xox
We are Paleo eaters here, have been the past 3 years and we have never felt better. I have had chronic GI issues my whole life, even having my gallbladder removed. There were so many triggers for my issues. Once I cut out the junk I felt amazing. I am medication free and no more GI issues. I love Paleo!
I also wanted to say kudos to you on the weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It really is amazing what altering your diet can do!
Chelsea– AWESOME POST!!! I love that you’re feeling better and more energized! I’m a new paleo eater, on my second Whole30 right now– weirdly enough, I published a “Whole30 – 10 tips, tricks, and lessons learned” post on my blog this morning! What I wish I knew before, tons of shortcuts, and recommended restaurants/menu items when eating out.
As someone who’s been hugely successful, would you be able to suggest any additions to this list?
Bloomington, IN
WOW – yes please! I would love to try this!! If you do a challenge, please let me know. THanks!
Hey Chelsea! That is so awesome, congrats! I am on day 23 of my first Whole30 right now, and I am LOVING the results so much that I’m going to keep on keepin’ on and make it a Whole60. I have a few posts about it on my blog with meal ideas and recipes if you want to check it out! It’s mostly just a weekly recap kind of thing. I love it so much! I can already tell I’ve lost weight, and I might have stepped on the scale (even though they tell you not to) 😉
Here are my posts!
Best of luck to you, sister! Keep up the good work!
great job! it’s so amazing how our bodies respond to what we put in them proving yes, it does start with food.
Way to go Chelsea! I had not heard of the book either. Once I work out a plan with my new doctors I will have to look into it as well.
I did a Whole30 at the beginning of the year. I chronicled the whole thing on my blog here: I felt so amazing afterwards. I really need to do another one, and this time stick with some of the changes more than I did the last time! You look great!
I downloaded the book onto my Nook. I’ll give it a shot–the 30 days! Thanks for sharing your story which is all too familiar. O was thinking–wouldn’t it be nice to be Chelsea’s age and solve this problem rather than waiting all these years to discover this. Thank you!!
I would love to be part of the challenge. I need something to keep me accountable again. This sounds like a great way to lose weight without relying on processed foods.
I would be interested in the challenge as well. Congrats on your amazing progress and determination!
I’m up for the challenge! I’ve been reading practical paleo and was going start a 30 challenge on my own. This is perfect timing, just waiting on my kitchen remodel to complete in order to cook.
I can’t stop staring at your arms! They are so teeny!
I did the Whole 30 earlier this year, and I looooved it. I keep wanting to get back into the swing of things, but I found out that I cannot have eggs (my nursing baby is allergic) and the idea of doing the Whole 30 without eggs is overwhelming to me. I depended so much on eggs when I was doing it.
The difference in my energy level and mood was huge. I would definitely like to try it again. I know my hubby wouldn’t be excited to try it again, so I’d love to get involved in an IG group for encouragement!
You look fabulous… great job! Definitely checking out this book!
I was just researching and considering a Paleo diet! I’m definitely interested in trying something different because I need a change. I would definitely be interested in the challenge once I check with my DR (I’m living with Lupus)…..
I read the book but never got the courage to try the diet alone and never convinced a friend to do it with me- so I’d be interested in the instagram group! It’s be like having a friend!
I am in!
Congrats on the weight loss! Those meals look delicious!
Thanks, I will have to check the book out.
Looking good! I’ve always said I’m going to write a book titled “Move More. Eat Less.” That’s the whole book. One sentence. Best seller list?
Eating “clean” does make a big difference in overall health. I refused to believe it for the longest time. We eat clean during the week and then eat whatever we want on the weekends. I definitely notice a difference in how I feel. Not enough to stop. Not enough to give up the crap on the weekends…but a difference. I’m intrigued by this book!
Good work lady!
You are inspirational, gorgeous and so amazing! Thank you for sharing your heart and sharing your path…so very cool. And congratulations on something so big — it’s such an accomplishment!
That’s awesome, Chelsea! I absolutely love It Starts With Food. We’ve been paleo for a couple years now, and it’s amazing how much of a difference it has made in our lives. It just plain feels good to eat well. Thanks for sharing your story and I love the idea of an instagram support group!
Thanks for the book recommendation! We eat (pretty) clean at our house, and I love being in the kitchen. Besides time for prep, our biggest challenge has been lunches since neither of us really like salads. I know. I am just not into leaves or dressings…
Yes, please!
Just ordered my book. Can’t wait to get it and start reading!!
I just came over from NewlyWoodwards. Hi!
Thanks for the recommendation on the book. It sounds perfect. I’m ordering it today. 🙂
Just finally getting a chance to catch up on your blog! I LOVED the photo-of-chelsea-year- photo collage in the last post. 🙂 Those things are parents-of-the-80s GOLD. 🙂 Congratulations on KILLING it with the weight loss. You looked gorgeous at Haven!
I see a big difference between the first and second picture. Your shirt sleeve is much looser in the after pic too. This month I completely cut out gluten from my diet and started eating more and fruits and veg and I’ve noticed my need for an afternoon nap is not needed. I’m going to pick up that book and read it too. Thanks for sharing, I appreciated it.
Congratulations Chelsea! Nick did a similar diet and lost nearly 80 pounds over about 8 months. It was just no carbs and lots of weight training. Carb Nite was the diet specifically, so he was allowed to backload carbs for muscle growth and have a weekly break from the diet (which was huge for him since he’s a total food nerd). Anything where there’s weighing and counting calories was out for him especially since he eats out for the majority of our meals.
wow, what a tremendous accomplishment! Congratulations! I’m definitely going to pick this up, all those meals look yummy and easy. I’m actually starting the I Quit Sugar program next week, sugar is to me what naps were to you–a necessary evil. I can only hope to have results like yours! Thanks for the inspiration!
Congrats!! I am definitely interested!! I joined a workout challenger group 3 months ago and have lost 25lbs. I still have another 15 to go and think adding clean eating to my program will help me shed those pounds!!
You look great, Chelsea! I will definitely have to check out that book. I feel like what you described– tired, irritable, bloated, etc. I’m more of a bread and cheese girl than a meat girl, but if cutting out that stuff will help me feel better, I’m definitely willing to give it a try. Thanks for the tips!
~Abby =)
This is just what I’ve been looking for! I read the book Clean (which is also amazing by the way) and have watched many documentaries about juicing. There are so many differing opinions and ideas on what you can’t eat it’s overwhelming. I always end up trying to do some sort of cleansing diet that just fails because they’re too extreme for me- I don’t need to lose weight I just want to look better and feel better… but I don’t want to got through x amount of days of misery detoxing my body and feeling miserable. I’m ordering the book and definitely in for the challenge! Thanks!!
Chelsea, I realize your post was written in early August, but I am just reading it. I am forcing myself into being ready to get fit, exercise, and eat better. I have been needing something to inspire me and this just may be it! I don’t do Instagram, so I’m hoping there is another form of media you might consider for a challenge like this. I certainly need encouragement and support!
Just saw your post on Pinterest! I purchased the Kindle version last night and I’ve already read several chapters. Thank you so much for sharing!
I am going to buy the book. I am getting married in 3 months and wouldn’t mind being a little lighter. I would love to have you challenge me @twotwentyone
I gained so much weight with my first, but my Mom introduced me to a healthy weight loss plan and I did very well. I write a lot about healthy eating and as soon as I have baby #3 I will be posting my #gettingmysexyback body. Good clean eating is key, your right. Grill and broil, no ingredients on packets. Less frozen foods (or avoid all together) My Mom does a monthly 30 day challenge with prizes which gives people incentives. I will be doing challenges for Mommies and she does it mostly for people who are over 30, right up to their 70’s if you can believe it.
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Hi there and congrats on the weight loss! I’ve never heard of the book but I am very interested in learning more and always up for a challenge. I think your idea for a challenge is GREAT!
– Rea
Congratulations! Are you familiar with the clean eating diet. It is a choose your own food, but all natural healthy stuff. I think it’s by Tosca Rena . Sounds quiet similar and I just got that book. Wondering how much they are alike? Anyone? Thanks Beth
I’m really interested in trying this, but I’m worried about what this would look like for a (mostly) vegetarian diet. I eat fish and eggs occasionally, but really can’t see myself relying on those two things as my main protein sources. Is there info in the book about tailoring this around a vegetarian diet? I’ve dropped $10-20 before for a diet book that I couldn’t use, and learned my lesson.
I’ve been interested in whole30 but I don’t eat eggs (any kind) or avocados and it seems to be a huge part of food eaten. Are there any substitutions?
I think this sounds great, but what about wine and coffee? I feel like those are going to be the 2 hardest things for me to give up!
No alcohol during Whole30– it explains why in the book. You can have coffee– black or with coconut milk.
This really does sound great. I was wondering, are you still following these guidelines now? If so, have you found it easy to continue eating this way as a lifestyle change?
are you still following it? Any changes you would make?
I got pregnant so I strayed from the program because, well, it’s not always the easiest to stick to when you’re pregnant. Hah! I have given up dairy though. I eat cheese once in a while, but I don’t drink milk at all anymore. I still eat a lot of eggs, avocado, and fruit for breakfast. Salads with chicken for lunch, and meat with sweet potatoes and roasted vegetables for dinner.
I was wondering if this was an affordable meal plan? My husband and I live off of one income and I have to stick to a tight budget when grocery shopping. I mostly buy organic foods now, but just don’t wanna dive in to something I cannot afford! Thank you!
You should be fine if you buy mostly organic already. The killer will be buying organic, grass-fed meat.
I stumbled upon the Whole30 plan and decided to give it a go. Read the book over one weekend, made my shopping list and started on a Monday in March. Background: I do not eat vegetables on a regular basis. Never have enjoyed them. Since our daughter went to college, I’ve been eating “like a 12-year old whose parents have left the house for a few hours.”. Poptart before work; chips and queso with my boss for lunch; popcorn for dinner. So, the Whole30 was going to be a challenge…or so I thought. I love it. I am cooking again! Chicken with artichokes and onions. Shrimp with asparagus. Burgers with guacamole. Almonds and dates for snacks. Almond butter and almond milk and banana for a “sweet” treat. Have been to numerous meal-based events with trays of desserts which I have passed by without a second thought. Cannot believe how I have transformed my daily food intake without a single thought to calories, points, etc. AND, in 30 days, I lost 10 pounds. I am in love with Whole30!
Awesome! So glad you’ve had success with the plan!
I’m thinking about giving this a go. I asked my friend to look into it, too. She lives 50 minutes away from me. Thanks for the idea. (The no counting calories made it sound like a breeze and we love salads, so…) Wish us luck!
Best of luck!
Hello! I just came across your post via a pin on Pinterest. I’m really intrigued by your success, as well as the success of many of the commenters to your post. However, what keeps popping into my mind is – AFTER you finish the 30 days (or more, if you choose) do you gain the weight back? Does the book address keeping the weight off afterward? Or, do you have to continue eating similar to the plan to keep the weight off? My husband and I have talked about embarking on some special eating plan to lose weight, beginning June 1. Maybe this is the plan we should try. Thanks in advance for any info you can offer!
My 88 year old father lives with us and my bed-ridden 66 year old sister. Each of them have their own peculiar wants to eat. Dad wants corn bread and potatoes every meal and my sister, well she’s just weird. My husband and I run a business at home and with all that and house work, laundry, yard work etc I really don’t have time to spend cooking complicated meals much less three different meals per eating times. I am wondering if this “diet” leaves you hungry during the day or night? My husband are currently doing this 7 day diet which is so far the easiest I’ve found. But if you’re not careful you will gain some of the weight back during your 2 weeks of normal eating. Thanks for the info.
I did the whole 30 and loved how I felt while I was doing it! My biggest problem was I didn’t take it slow after finishing and fell back into my bad habits. I had a hard time getting back into it after the first time. I’m currently doing a modified 21 day fix program and find it easier to stick with…. I have needs!
Do you know if this works for Diabetics? I have Juvenile onset. And have had them for over 27 years. I have a few other medical problems that make it hard to lose weight. I have been able to lose 114 so far but have to lose another 80 or so. I want to get healthier and am working towards that end. Thanks for the information, Catharine
Congratulations! I purchased the book on our affiliate link … they have new, updated book. I thought you may want to update your link! Here goes … starting to read it today! 🙂
Hi Chelsea,
Just wondering if you have kept up with a whole 30 lifestyle or not? Has it been easy to maintain your weight?
Thanks for sharing!
It was until I got pregnant. I added a paragraph at the bottom of the post addressing maintenance. 🙂
Hello, congrats on the weight loss! And your baby 😉 I was curious, are there lots of suggestions in the book on substituting foods?. Many foods I can’t eat, like peppers, avocados, bananas raspberries, and even some nuts. I’ve wanted to try clean eating, but some of my restrictions( not worth the intolerance stomach ache) make it difficult. Eggs give me an awful stomach ache, so I find breakfast protein hard to accomplish.
I love your honesty about pregnancy! !! I will definitely give this book a try!!
I stumbled upon this post. I love whole 30! I’ve lost 34 lbs eating whole30 and then paleo with very low sugar. It feels great! Congratulations on your little one. If you had the discipline to do w30 once, no doubt you’ll get that weight back off!
You look absolutely great! I’ve cut out all junk food and any kind of unhealthy foods altogether but I’m having a hard time finding healthy foods that don’t make me get bored or force myself to eat them. Thanks for this!
I have done whole30 twice so far and each month I have lost 10 lbs. I didn’t excersize during the first month because I wanted to see if the clean eating alone will help with weight loss.
Surprise, surprise….it worked ! :))))
Whole30 has taught me to make better choices and eat healthier. My energy level is through the roof and I love it. I no longer crave sweets 🙂
Whole30 gets 2 thumbs up from me !
(costco sells the whole30 book for much cheaper than amazon or other bookstores….just a tip for anyone wanting to buy the book)
You and I had babies at almost the same time and seem to struggle with similar weight issues. I am considering trying this since my daughter is also weaned and I would like to lose the weight before trying for baby #2. I need to lose about 35 lbs to be at a healthy weight. Have you started this again since weaning and how’s it going? Thanks!
How’s it been going since July when you quit nursing? Have you lost the baby weight? We just had our third child and I am about 40lbs heavier since we got married 8 years ago. I have about 80 lbs to lose to be where I want to be and my husband has about 50 to lose. Just wondering if the diet/lifestyle change holds up over time.
Who is author?? I see two books on Amazon with different authors???? Thanks…
You are so encouraging! I am going to begin the Whole 30 program next week. I am nervous because I am such a picky eater and I am not very adventurous when it comes to new foods. I like how you said to focus on what one can eat and not on what one cannot eat. At the moment that is what I am doing, I am sad to not be eating sugars and dairy. I need to change my focus! My new mantra: I get to eat all the steak, fish, and chicken I want!!!
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