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Garden and Other Vegetation Update

Hello, friends! I thought I’d do a little garden (and other vegetation) update since everything is growing like crazy right now.

Let’s start with the garden. We planted our vegetables a little over a month ago. And look at them now. The Roma tomato plant is already 3 feet tall. We had to move a pepper because the yellow squash was blocking its sunlight. This is our first time growing yellow squash so I didn’t know how big it would get. Note: It’s pretty massive.

garden update june 2013

We have some teeny tiny vegetables popping up. Like this 1 inch baby bell pepper. For some reason I keep typing “peeper” instead of “pepper” every time I’ve  attempted to write “pepper” tonight. So just imagine me saying “peeper” instead of “pepper”.

little bell pepper

The hens and chicks my mom gave me last summer are doing really well. I recently posted a photo of them on Instagram, citing their overcrowding issue. And I had to throw in a Tommy Boy reference– #fatsucculentsinalittlepot.

This particular pot annoys me. The paint started chipping off this winter and it’s not the pretty, aged look. I’m debating taking a hammer to it and slapping the hens and chicks in a different pot.


This is what the succulents looked like last August. I kinda like how they looked in August better than how they look now. I also like how the pot looked in August better than how it looks now.

Last summer I stole some extra succulents from my mom and planted them in a milk glass bowl for fun. They’re filling in nicely.

hens and chicks

Let’s move to our front yard, shall we? Our hostas are bosses this year. It was touch and go with them last summer because of the crazy drought but they’re obviously doing great now. I still need to plant petunias in the big planter on our front porch. Maybe I’ll do that this weekend.


Our clematis, which was planted by previous owners, has officially smothered our mailbox. Seriously, it looks like the floral version of Cousin It.

I stopped fighting the clematis a few years ago. I used to cut it back but this sucker grows like a weed so there’s no use fighting it. In order to help it grow up and over the mailbox (and not fall over when there’s heavy winds) I tie fishing line around it in 2-3 places. Someone on Instagram asked if bees are an issue. I’ve never encountered a bee while getting our mail. But I did encounter a bird the other day. Scared the bejesus out of me. I bet our neighbors love having a jumpy person like me living next to them– quality entertainment.

clematis on mailbox

That’s pretty much it in the garden and other vegetation department. I have an outside project we completed last night that I’ll share in a few weeks.

How is your vegetable garden coming along?
Are you growing succulents? Are they experiencing an overcrowding issue?
Do you have a crazy clematis?

two twenty one

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  1. Your garden looks great! I love hostas too–they are low maintenance and look nice.

  2. I love the look of the mailbox. I wonder if the mailperson had to run because of a bee in there? LOL

  3. Aw man your hostas are doing so good, I planted some myself and they even bloom, but I had to spray some grass killer that wasn’t supposed to kill other plants, but for some reason it still did. Your also getting bell peppers, yum!!! Mine are still in the growing stage. and those succulents are adorable

  4. I have a few pots of the cats and kittens/chicks and hens and I found that using the “strawberry” planters, the pots with the holes on the sides, helps in growing them and not having a scrunched up mess of succulents. Plant a few in each
    hole and the succulents will take over!

    1. Thanks, Mary! My mom has her hens and chicks in a strawberry planter, and I love how they look in it. I just haven’t been able to find a strawberry planter I like. Keeping my eyes peeled! 🙂

  5. Your little veggie garden is adorable! We are moving this summer so I wasn’t able to plant a garden – I miss it! I love your hens and chicks. I’m thinking I might have to make them my plant project!

  6. Your yard is beautiful! I love your little veggie garden, I live on a farm and have a huge garden but somedays I wish it was the same size as yours. Hens and Chicks are my favorite and I think they look good in that paint chipped pot, there is something about them that makes me think they belong in a rustic or vintage pot!

  7. I’m a big fan of all your vegetation. Wink. Wink.

    Squash is crazy. The first summer we gardened, we planted butternut, summer and spaghetti squash. Ha! It was cray cray. Literally took over half our yard and we had 32 butternut squash that year. It’s pretty amazing!

    Also, I need hens and chicks in my life. Did you keep them outside all year? Do you do anything to maintain them?

    1. 32?! Did you eat a lot of butternut squash soup that year?

      Yep, I keep the hens and chicks outside all year. I moved them up against the house for winter. I don’t do much to maintain them. They don’t require much water, and they like sun. If we’re expecting a big rain I’ll pull them close to the house so they don’t get flooded. Super easy plants.

  8. Our goal is to have a garden someday. Right now all we have is a deck for a back yard but we did manage to plant a blackberry shrub near the mailbox. It makes me so happy every time I get to pick a few.

  9. Green green green, i love trees and green! will plant one more tree in my garden next week!

  10. I planted a clematis like that on my mailbox and I hope it grows to look like yours. Right now it looks like the weird scraggly hairs that grow on top of bald men’s heads.

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