DIY Glitter Letters {Mod Podge}
Last week I shared my Halloween vignette, which included the “BOO” glitterific letters I made. Today I’m back to show you how I made the letters, and what I used to keep the majority of glitter on the letters.

Start with paper mache letters. I used 12″ letters that I purchased from JoAnn Fabric.

Spray paint the letters. I used grey Rustoleum spray primer, and black gloss spray paint. I’m a devoted Rustoleum girl. I never have issues with their spray paint.

Grab some Mod Podge and a foam brush. Liberally brush the Mod Podge onto the letters.

Pour your glitter onto the Mod Podge. Go ahead and put the Mod Podge on the entire face of the letter, and then pour the glitter on. I did this with the O’s and they turned out fine. Doing the B half and half worked fine, but it was easier to do the entire face of the letter.

Allow the Mod Podge to dry. I left my letters alone for a couple hours. When the Mod Podge is dry, gently shake off the excess glitter.
Now, onto “sealing” the glitter. I used Rustoleum clear gloss for this step.
In order to figure out how much I would need to use, I practiced on a small piece of cardboard that I Mod Podged and glittered. I recommend doing this if it’s your first time. I found it best to spray from about 2 feet away and to not go overboard. Allow the spray to dry. Test a small spot on a letter to see if the glitter will still easily flake off. Spray a little more on if the glitter comes off.
I think the letters look great in my Cher-esque Halloween vignette.

Are you pro-glitter?
Have you tried this method before? How’d it work for you?
I love glitter! I’ve used a sealer before and agree, it’s best when you spray from far away–otherwise it dulls the glitter.
Do you find that it is cheaper to buy these letters at Jo Ann Fabrics as opposed to Hobby Lobby? I am pregnant with twin boys and want to do something similar to this with their names for the nursery. I’m going to need 7 letters, so buying them one at a time at Hobby Lobby with a coupon will take me forever.
I always buy my paper mache letters at JoAnn. These were $1 off (each letter) when I purchased them, and I had a 20% off coupon.
LOVE this idea!!! Can’t wait to try this out!!
omg this is so fun!!! I’m totally pro-glitter for any Fall/Winter holidays…Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years…all totally glitter appropriate. I need to make something like this!
Too funny, when I first saw your display, I remember thinking “man, she’s gonna have glitter everywhere after Halloween is over!”
But, of course, you’ve outsmarted the glitter – what a great tip. I totally want to go buy glitter and bling out everything now. haha 😉
Love those letters! I’m pro-glitter but my boyfriend hatttes it! I can’t even stress hate enough. It’s kind of hilarious to watch a grown man lose his mind if a little glitter touches him though haha
haha that just made me laugh out loud!
Shaking and glitter makes me think of Katy Perry. Good tips!
I read “liberally apply mod podge” as “literally apply mod podge” and very intelligently thought, well how else would you do it? I once wrote an entire 10-page college essay on the origins of the misuse of the word ‘literally’ in literature. I WAS REALLY COOL. I shouldn’t tell people things like this. Please still be my friend.
(Love the letters, by the way–you’ll have to post an update next year on if the glitter survives a year in storage!)
Love it! I am going to try these 🙂
I love these! They are so cute!
PS- I had a weird dream the other night that I met you at the VA state fair. It was totally random and strange haha.
HAH! Was I a corn dog eating carnie?
Too cute! Such a fun touch to the display!
I love this. I think some glittery mod podge letters are in my near future.
-Kelly @ View Along the Way
Cute idea! I’ve recently gotten into using Mod Podge for projects…so nice! Just wish they could get the glitter to stay on the thousands of projects that come home from school. Maybe I should send a bottle of the sealer spray to school!
This turned out really cute. I’m trying to decide what to glitter next.
I bought black wooden letters but plan to put pink glitter on it. Do you think I should spray paint it pink before modge podging it? Or will it be fine & I won’t see the black under the glitter?
Thank you SO much for your tutorial! I am so glad I found this a few weeks ago. I had purchased big letters from the craft store on sale several months ago, and I could not find a way to use them for our wedding shower, and eventually wedding. I knew this was it! They turned out great, and our guests loved them!
Very cute! How much did these end up costing you with all the supplies?
I used mod podge and glitter on ornaments, sealed it with hair spray, and when it dried it didn’t flake off and was still shiny.
What kind of glitter did you use?
Thank you for sharing how to! I just made this for my son’s candle lighting ceremony and they came out AMAZING! Only question I need to add/attach these letters to a styrofoam board. Any suggestions on how so they will be secure? Thank you!!!
You’re welcome! I’d use an ample amount of hot glue to attach the letters to a Styrofoam board. Hope that helps!
Hi there. I recently started customizing/blinging shoes(heels and sneakers). Have you ever “glittered” any shoes? Also, once you seal the glitter with the sealant spray, does the surface feel smooth to the touch or does it feel rough?
Where did you get the clear gloss from?
If you click on the product name (in blue) it will take you to where you can purchase it.
Thoughtful ideas – I am thankful for the analysis . Does anyone know where my company could possibly access a sample Partners Healthcare 0600938 version to fill out ?
Would this be a good way to glitter a wooden 32 inch tall wooden letter for the wall ?