Chicago + Young House Love Book Signing
Hey friends! Hope you had a marvelous weekend. I sure did.
And you want to read all about it, don’t ya?
Friday morning I hit the road for Chicago for a little best friend (Natalie) and YHL (Sherry and John) time. Shortly after arriving at Natalie’s apartment in Oak Park, she tied me up, forced me into her car with pepper spray, drove me to Ikea (aka the blogger mother ship), and demanded that I go in the store and buy things. It. Was. Traumatizing.
Just kidding. Ikea was my idea. The theme of my cart for the day was ‘I like white’. Don’t worry, you guys will see my loot. Eventually.
After spending 2.5 hours in Ikea we went on a Macy’s clearance rack spending spree. I scored two shirts, a blazer, and a dress for $80. Love me some 70% off racks + 20% off coupons. After Macy’s we headed back to Oak Park to attend an event at a consignment shop and eat Greek food. Yum.
Saturday was Young House Love Day. We were up, ready, and in line at west elm by 11:15. Mind you the book signing wasn’t until 1:00. Dedicated YHL reader I am. We got a decent spot in line. I’m thankful we were under the awning because it poured rain off and on the entire time. The line wrapped around the building, snaked once, and continued on the other side of the building. It seems that John and Sherry are pretty popular in the Windy City.
I have to say that the nearly 4 hours we spent standing in line went pretty fast. Natalie and I spent the majority of the time embarrassing ourselves. Nothing new there. The adorable YHL cookies and hot chocolate made the waiting more bearable. Natalie and I both thought there should be a baby shaped cookie to represent ‘young’. When the cookie tray came I told Natalie to grab a heart cookie, and I’d grab the house cookie so I could take a pic of both. After she ate the heart cookie I told her I didn’t want the heart cookie because I didn’t want to have pink teeth afterward. Best friend of the year. I mean, I needed to be camera-ready for my photo with Sherry and John. Some people around us heard me say that and immediately became self-conscious of their cookie choice. Don’t worry, the color faded after everyone drank their hot chocolate.
While in line, I saved this man’s life. A vicious spider began to descend toward his head, so I started to firmly tap him on the shoulder. It took him a while to respond, and when he finally turned around to see why I was touching him, the spider had landed on his hat. I yelled, “There’s a spider on your hat!” He shook the spider off his hat, and the spider scurried off. Whew. He’s lucky such a vigilant person was standing behind him to save his life.
I knew when Sherry and John arrived because there were screams and squeals. Their signing table was set up in front of the window about 10 feet in front of us. Once the line had crept up, we were standing right behind them. I really wanted to photo bomb some people, but I resisted the urge. Who knows, perhaps I inadvertently photo bombed someone. (Sherry and John, this is what the back of your heads look like when you’re signing books.)
I was a little nervous when it was about my time to approach the table. If you remember, I met and became BFF with Sherry at Haven. She said that I reminded her and John of their friend Megan Klemente. That was the inside joke that forged our BFFness. So I decided to play it cool when I walked up to the table and said, “Hey guys!” Sherry and John looked at me and said, “Oh hey! It’s Megan Klemente!” and Sherry jumped up to give me a hug. This photo makes me laugh because I’m 5’10” and Sherry is, well, petite. So it looks like I’m trying to pick her up and give her a bear hug. And it also appears that Sherry is attempting to eat my hair. Apparently no one gave her a cookie.
After I put Sherry down. Just kidding. She said something like “We know you’re not Megan– you’re Chelsea”. I handed her my book to sign, and while she signed it, John turned to me and said, “So I have a question for you.” And I was all “YOU have a question for ME?” (I totally played it cool.) John said, “Yeah, your Instagram photos– are all of those taken with your phone?” And I said, “Yeah, most of them are taken with my iPhone.” Then John said, “Really? Wow. They look so good. What’s your secret?” I played it cool, again, and said, “My secret? I’m awesome.” Thankfully everyone got it and laughed. I said, “Do you want to know the names of the apps I use?” He said, “Yeah. We need to step up our Instagram skills.” So I told him I’d email him the names of the apps. Then Sherry and I talked real quick about the Megan thing, I snapped a creeper photo with them, and it was time to go.
If you’re a Young House Lover and John and Sherry are coming to your neck of the woods, I highly suggest going to their book signing. They were genuinely excited to meet every person there. And they truly appreciated the fact that everyone had spent hours in line. I’d go to another signing, but that would be borderline stalker.
I thought about the people who couldn’t make it to a signing and it made me sad so I had John and Sherry sign a postcard that I’m giving away to one lucky YHL lover. Seriously, my nickname should be Oprah. I wish I could have had them sign more, but I don’t think they would’ve enjoyed signing hundreds of postcards. Plus, the people behind me would’ve been a little upset. Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter to win the autographed postcard.
Have you attended a YHL book signing? How’d it go?
Do you plan on attending a signing?
Looks like a fun time! I wish Sherry and John were coming to visit my area!
Did I mention that I wish Burger came too?
Burger! OK, this is the best book signing recap ever!! I can’t believe they remembered you as Megan. And they love you on Instagram… but who doesn’t?! And your answer is Classic Chelsea. THIS is why I love you!
You’re such a nerd.
So fun!! Wish they were coming to Nashville. I’m going to pretend that the Megan K. they are referring to is actually in fact me…Megan Keisling. haha. Glad you got to have a little reunion. 🙂
Wait! Where were you in line?!? We were outside the window til the line started moving–I think I saw you with your postcard. (Or maybe someone else?) We had a blast waving in the background of people’s pictures, and one girl even asked us to do spirit fingers. So much fun!
Burger! (I hope we were supposed to answer the question, or else this is weird…)
Funny story…my husband gave me their book for my birthday but it was before it was released so he gave me an envelope with a picture of a hamburger in it. I opened it and thought we were going out for dinner or something and he said: “No, it’s a dog…” I proceeded to exclaim “BURGER!! My book!!”, jumped 3 times and squealed more than that. Eek, I might be borderline creepy, too.
I think I was just a few people behind you in line! I’ll have to say that you understated the “oh hey…” part. There was definitely more enthusiasm from Sherry than that! And I totally am interested in what Instagram apps you use now!
Seconding Amy up there–I hope your photo apps get their own post. Mine could use some help. Also, don’t pretend you didn’t squeal when you saw them. Squealer.
Yes! Photo apps post please!!
Oh Burger! Such a doggy stud 🙂
Their dog’s name is Burger! And I’m so jealous of you! I wish they were coming anywhere near the West coast but sadly, they are not.
Ha ha, being kidnapped to IKEA? I think I could manage! But seriously, my last visit to the mother ship was crazy – it was soooo crowded that you could hardly push your cart through the aisles. Btw, I grabbed the same white lacy plate as you – it’s so pretty, right?
Hamburger or Burger for short 🙂
Burger!!! I will be seeing them in Dallas this coming weekend!
Burger! Lucky you!!
Burger! This was a great recap! I am suuuuper jealous you got to meet them and that they knew who you were. I’d just be some random that reads their blog. haha.
Burger! Looks like you had a good time at their book signing, so jealous! I wish they were coming to my area, but I’m not so lucky. Great idea with the post card! 🙂
Wait…am I missing something? Why does everyone keep responding with Burger?? LOL I’m hoping they make their way back to the city (NYC) seeing that they had to cancel their first trip cause damn Sandy ruined everything! The second picture is kinda funny though it looks like you’re photo bombing their picture ha! Next time you need to get all up in there!!
Oh wait, one more thing…can you share with us the apps you use on your iphone?
Everyone knows its Burger! 🙂 How thoughtful of you to get a postcard signed for those of us who can’t make it out to a signing 🙂
Their dog is Burger, but their DAWG is you!
Ha ha!
But seriously, so sweet of you to have them sign a postcard! You rock. And you’re so good at not being a creepy fangirl. I would have probably peed myself at the sight of them. Jeals of your BFFness.
Ahaha! I read the first line as if you sound like Randy Jackson.
Burger! Love him! He is such a cutie! And so photogenic! YHL is coming to DC soon and I’m trying to get my hubby to go with me!!!
Gahhhh, SOOOO jealous
I almost went when they went to Boston since that’s just 2 hours away from me, but I had to hold down the fort at home since the rest of my family was out of town…and they closed RSVP’s wayyy before the event since so many people were attending.
I’m going to keep checking back to see if they add another location I might be able to get to easily so I can get my book signed. I would just have to make sure to get the day off of work so I could go!
I blogged about a YHL signing today too! I went on Thursday and it was my first time meeting them. I love how nice they are and easy to talk to! Sherry and I chatted about my accent and Katie Bower’s pregnancy.
I’m thinking you definitely need to write a post all about the apps you use to take those awesome Instagram pictures of yours! 😉
You are such a celeb, it’s not even right. You should write a post on your instagram secrets, and send the link to Sherry and John. And thank me for giving you the idea. That seriously sounds like the best weekend ever. You’ll be jealous to hear that I spent the weekend changing diapers, cleaning the kitchen, grocery shopping. #Glam.
Burger 🙂
You’re entire encounter with them cracks me up!! I bet it was so fun :o)
BURGER is their pup’s name!
I was at the Chicago YHL book signing too! And my cousin and I were the LAST ONES in line. They cut it off after us so Sherry and John could make their flight. I thought by the time they got to us they’d be rushed and running off, but they were so patient and calm and sweet—it was such fun meeting them in person. And I seriously wanted to swing by IKEA but it didn’t work out—I’m jealous.
Burger!!!!!!! The luckiest dog in all the land! Hilarious post:) so happy you got to see them:) Dude…. What apps???? I just use my Instagram filters??
I wish I could have went, but they only had one stop in Canada. I would love to win the postcard 🙂
Also: BURGER. Only saw that afterwards…
What are the apps?? 🙂
BURGER! I was so disappointed that I was going to be in Richmond the day AFTER their book signing, but I’ll get to the next one they have up there…..hopefully!
That is so cool!! What a great idea! That would definitely be fun to put in my book!
And their dog is HAMBURGER!!
This post was super-fun! Ok, I have always been in awe of your Instagram photos too. I think we are all dying to know how to duplicate “chelsea awesomeness”! 🙂
I went to the first stop on their book tour in Cincy! And it was amazing, except for the fact that there were no cookies. I was really giddy and nervous and smiled the whole time. Sherry and John were so sweet & cool. I love reading their posts about the tour, and posts from people who met them on their tour 🙂 I blogged about my experience too:
Good work on saving that man’s life! Spiders give me the heebie-jeebies.
Burger! Such a great post – so awesome that they remembered you. 🙂
Burger! I am so jealous! They got close, but I had a wedding to go to.