Boy or Girl?
Happy Friday!
If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw some of the projects I’ve been working on this week in preparation for the gender reveal party we’re hosting at our house this weekend. Our families are driving in from all over the state to find out the sex of the nugget with us.
I’m happy to say that I sat on the envelope containing the sex of the nugget for 5 weeks without opening it. Nope, I never peeked. It was beyond tempting at some points but I genuinely want to be surprised. And I want to be able to share the moment with our families– especially my family because my stepdad has had some major health issues the past 7 months and it’s been really hard on everyone so this is something we all could look forward to.
You guys can’t be at the party this weekend (sorry about that), but I still I want to get your guesses as to what you think the nugget is– boy or girl. This may not help at all, but I answered some old wives’ tale questions in case you believe in any of that stuff and it can help gauge your guess.
And because I’ve been asked this question a bunch– no, Brad and I both don’t have a preference. I always said I wanted to have a girl first so I knew I would have a girl (I hope that makes sense), but when I found out I was pregnant I had a feeling it was boy, and I grew to like the idea of having a boy. Currently, I don’t have a feeling as to whether it’s a boy or a girl so I’m cool with whichever. Brad is the same way– really wanted a boy but grew to like the idea of having a girl so he’s cool with whichever too.
Use the poll below to cast your vote!
[polldaddy poll=”7920016″]
P.S. I’ll probably post some sneak peeks of the party on Instagram this weekend. I plan to post the sex of the nugget on the blog Monday morning.
I totally felt boy up until our gender reveal. Everyone kept saying I was having a girl (that’s because that’s what they wanted us to have). I honestly didn’t care, but I kept feeling boy. When that pink confetti fell out of our piñata, I cried. I don’t know why I cried, I just did. We are ecstatic to be having a girl-and now I can’t imagine it any other way. Good luck to you guys this weekend and I’ll be thinking about you. How exciting!!! I can’t wait to find out the results!
I’m saying boy! I always wanted a girl too but had a feeling it was a boy when I got preggers and I was right… Can’t wait to hear which it is!
Well gosh. According to all but the heartbeat, I’m having a girl! (But it’s definitely a little boy in there). Congratulations on whichever! Everyone asked us, “what do you want?” and “a healthy baby” sounds like such a lame answer, but gosh, it’s the truth. A happy, healthy baby is all that matters!
Every one thought I was having a boy because of the way I was carrying my baby. I even thought it was a boy, even after they told me it was a girl I thought they were still wrong. But when we had her in February they were right, it was a girl! So you never truly know! Congrats and I can’t wait to find out what you are having.
I’ve had three kids and had heartburn with the first two – boys and was clumsy and actually fell twice (slipped on the ice) with my third – girl. I don’t have much faith in the wives’ tales but I actually “knew” the first two were boys even though I didn’t have an ultrasound with them. Good luck with whatever sex you are blessed with:)
I had my little boy 11 weeks ago and I loved looking at these wives tales things too! Just so you know, Peanut’s heart beat was never below 140, I craved sweet (which is totally normal for me, not pregnant) and for a while I couldn’t stand salty at all (and I love French Fries… so that says a lot) and my balance was always stable. I’m curious to know what you’re having!
I’m hoping that you have a girl!
Danielle at Framed Frosting
I’m going with boy, but I suppose I’ll be happy either way 😉 Can’t wait to find out, and I’m SO impressed with your willpower. I would have made it about 10 seconds before peeking!
Boy or girl, your little one is lucky to have such a wonderful mama! I can’t wait to see your sneak peeks on Instagram this weekend. And I am beyond impressed with your willpower!
I guess a girl. I am sure what ever you have you will pray the little nugget is healthy.
God bess
How fun! Amazing that you’re nearly 50-50 when referring to the old wives’ tales. I too feel like I’m going to have a boy (won’t be able to find out for 7+ weeks), but most of my answers indicated a girl. Excited for you to find out about your own sweet little one! 🙂